Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions

Cookie Cadger Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions

Cookie Cadger is an auditing tool that can identify information leakage from applications that utilize insecure HTTP GET requests on Wi-Fi or wired Ethernet connections. Yes, use can use this to hijack unencrypted sessions! 

This graphical utility harnesses the power of the Wireshark suite and Java to provide a fully cross-platform, entirely open-source utility which can monitor wired Ethernet, insecure Wi-Fi, or load a packet capture file for offline analysis.

Cookie Cadger Screenshot

This tool is based on Java and works on any operating system supporting Java 7 or newer. Cookie Cadger has optional support for saving data to a MySQL database. A MySQL installation is required for this feature.

Note: If you are using a Windows machine, you must install Wireshark, and Ettercap / Wincap.

Please remember that not all computers are capable of capturing data packets, it requires hardware capable of monitor mode.

Cookie Cadger - Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions Cookie Cadger -  Free Tool For Identifying Information Leakage and Hijacking Sessions Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:16 PM Rating: 5