How to protect your Mac?
Nowadays, the internet is full of viruses that can harm your iOS device. There isn’t a computer system that can be entirely protected from hackers. But Apple has created a unique system called OS X that is protected from most viruses known to compute engineers. You can come across many forms of malware that can hurt your expensive computer. However, as a Mac user, you are blessed that there aren’t any viruses recorded that could hurt Apple’sOS X. Unfortunately, your personal information is in great jeopardy due to Trojan horses and the various forms of malware.
We suggest not installing Norton Anti-Virus or McAfee to your Mac because they are not compatible with Apple OS X and it could heavily damage your computer. Another threat that is heavily promoted on websites and pop-ups are “MacKeeper” and “iAnti-Virus.” Under no circumstances install or click anywhere on those sites or, you are going to have a really unpleasant experience afterward.
When you are browsing on your Safari many tricky pop-ups will appear, and you have to avoid them. They are called ‘scareware’ that can force you to download virus software. If you happen to install this virus, then your personal information is threatened, and you can even make payments without your knowledge. Other known malware products everyone should avoid are MacSweeper, MACDefender, MacProtector, MacGuard, MacSecurity or MacShield.
Our advices to avoid infections:
1. Always double-check your downloads. Download software from trusted websites like the AppStore. Before you download a new application on your Mac, carefully search the web to determine if it’s a trusted program.
2. Avoid Pornography sites. Every pornography site is full of malware. Most of them try to steal your data, harm your pc and take away your money. If you think that you are more protected when you pay for it, then you’ll end up losing some money.
3. Use Antivirus program - ClamXav : This software is going to check the files that you download for unsuspected problem. If there is one it will ask you to delete it so your Mac doesn’t get harmed at all.
4. Be careful on social media and torrent websites. Torrent websites are easily breached and you could download a malware with few clicks only. The same goes for social networks like YouTube and Facebook. In fact, one in every six links that is shared on Facebook contains malicious software!
Finally update your iOS device regularly and implement the same pieces of advice for your iPhone, iPad or iPod.
After all, if you have chosen Mac, be happy about it because it is a high-quality computer with advanced security protocols. Computers equipped with the Windows operating system are very popular, and hackers constantly develop a variety of viruses for them. An interesting fact about these computers is that they can get hacked while still being in the manufacturing fabric. Beware from viruses like “Nitol" that can steal your bank account information and make you vulnerable. However, this shouldn’t be your concern as an Apple computer owner. You can also go through DC SEOCompany for professional website services.
How to protect your Mac?
Reviewed by Anonymous
12:51 PM