Faraday Collaborative Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Management Platform
Faraday Collaborative Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Management Platform.
Faraday introduces a new concept - IPE (Integrated Penetration-Test Environment) a multiuser Penetration test IDE. Designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the data generated during a security audit.
The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multi-user way.
Designed for simplicity, users should notice no difference between their own terminal application and the one included in Faraday. Developed with a specialized set of functionalities that help users improve their own work. Do you remember yourself programming without an IDE? Well, Faraday does the same as an IDE does for you when programming, but from the perspective of a penetration test.
Faraday plays well with others, right now it has more than 50 supported tools, among them you will find:
There are 3 kind of plugins:
- Plugins that intercept commands, fired directly when a command is detected in the console. These are transparent to you and no additional action on your part is needed.
- Plugins that import file reports. You have to copy the report to $HOME/.faraday/report/[workspacename] (replacing [workspacename] with the actual name of your Workspace) and Faraday will automatically detect, process and add it to the HostTree.
- Plugin connectors or online (BeEF, Metasploit, Burp), these connect to external APIs or databases, or talk directly to Faraday's RPC API.
Following platforms are supported:
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- ArchLinux
- KaliLinux
- ArchAssault
Quick install
This applies only to Debian, Ubuntu, Kali and Backtrack. For the full installation guide visit our wiki. Please be kind to remove all your pyc files before running faraday if you are updating this piece of software. Make sure you run ./faraday.py --update the first time after an update!Download the latest tarball or clone our repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/infobyte/faraday.git faraday-dev
$ cd faraday-dev
$ ./install.sh
$ ./faraday-server.py
$ ./faraday.py
Download Faraday
Source: blog.hackersonlineclub.com
Faraday Collaborative Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Management Platform
Reviewed by Anonymous
7:52 AM