Stealing Windows Credentials of Remote PC with MS Office Document

Hello! Today you will found something incredible in this article which is related to a newly lunched script named as “WORD STEAL” that can define your hacking skill more and more. This script will create a POC that will steal NTML hashes from a remote computer.

Microsoft Word has the ability to include images from remote locations. This is an undocumented feature but was found used by malware creators to include images through http for statistics. We can also include remote files to a SMB server and the victim will authenticate with his logins credentials. This is very useful during a Pentest because allows you to steal credentials without triggering any alerts and most of the security apps do not detect this.

 LET’s Broach!!!

Attacker: Kali Linux

Target: Windows 10 (Microsoft Word 2007)

First we need to download it from Git hub, open the terminal in your Kali Linux and type following command.

Git clone

Now open the downloaded folder word steal where you will get a python script “” give all permissions to script if required.

Chmod 777

 As author has described that this script will convert an image or say .jpg into .rtf (Microsoft word file) The Rich Text Format is a proprietary document file format with published specification developed by Microsoft Corporation for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft products.  

After then download an image and save it inside Wordsteal folder, since I have an image “1.jpg” at this moment we require to type following command which generates .rtf file that steal NTML hashes from a remote computer.

Python 1.jpeg 1

Above command will generate .rtf file as you can figure out this in the given screenshot, after then send 1.rtf file to remote PC.

When victim will open 1.rtf (as Microsoft word file) in his system, on other hand attack will receive NTML hashes.

Inside word steal we have stolen credentials without triggering any alerts which you can observe in following image.

Now use password cracker tool john the ripper to crack hashes in password_netntlmv2 file or type following command

John password_netntlmv2

Cool!!! We can see victim’s credential clearly RAJ: 123 that might be further use for login.

Author: AArti Singh is a Researcher and Technical Writer at Hacking Articles an Information Security Consultant Social Media Lover and Gadgets. Contact here

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Stealing Windows Credentials of Remote PC with MS Office Document Stealing Windows Credentials of Remote PC with MS Office Document Reviewed by Anonymous on 10:12 AM Rating: 5