Bypass Admin access through guest Account in windows 10
Open command prompt and check windows user account status using “whoami” command.
Account name is “joe” and account status is ‘DefaultAccount’ which is a non-administrator account type.
Try changing administrator using the ’net user’ command. You will see an error ‘Access is denied’
Now download “CVE-2017-0213_x64” from here and unzip in your PC. Go to the folder and you can find the .exe file, double click on it to run it.
The moment you double click on it, it will automatically open a new command prompt with administrator privileges.
Use ‘net user’ command to change the administrator account password. Message ‘The command completed successfully’ will appear. You have now successfully changed the administrator accounts password.
Author– Abhimanyu Dev is an Aspiring Cyber Security Expert Contact Here