hackerbot - Chat With Hacker Assistant
Chat with your assistant and enjoy hacking
This bot is a combination of chatbot and hacking tools
- Chatting
- Twitter account analysis
- Url scan
- File scan
- Ip scan
- Linux enumeration
- Linux priv escalation checker
- Shellshock
- Mimipenguin
git clone https://github.com/omergunal/hackerbot
chmod +x install.sh
Update your api keys in modules/virustotal-api.py and modules/twittersecrets.py To get API keys go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and https://www.virustotal.comUsage
Python v2.7 required
python hackbot.py
arguments in chat:
!help show what you can do
Source: www.kitploit.com
hackerbot - Chat With Hacker Assistant
Reviewed by Anonymous
9:20 AM