pwned - A command-line tool for querying the 'Have I been pwned?' service
A command-line tool for querying Troy Hunt's Have I been pwned? service using the hibp Node.js module.
npm install pwned -g
Usage: pwned [option | command]
ba [options] <account> get all breaches for an account (username or email address)
breaches [options] get all breaches in the system
breach [options] <name> get a single breached site by breach name
dc [options] get all data classes in the system
pa [options] <email> get all pastes for an account (email address)
Each command has its own -h (--help) option.
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
Get all breaches for an account:
$ pwned ba pleasebeclean@fingerscrossed.tld
Good news â no pwnage found!
Get all breaches in the system, filtering results to just the '' domain:$ pwned breaches -d
Title: Adobe
Name: Adobe
BreachDate: 2013-10-04
AddedDate: 2013-12-04T00:00:00Z
PwnCount: 152445165
Description: In October 2013, 153 million Adobe accounts were breached with each containing an internal ID, username, email, <em>encrypted</em> password and a password hint in plain text. The password cryptography was poorly done and <a href="" target="_blank">many were quickly resolved back to plain text</a>. The unencrypted hints also <a href="" target="_blank">disclosed much about the passwords</a> adding further to the risk that hundreds of millions of Adobe customers already faced.
- Email addresses
- Password hints
- Passwords
- Usernames
IsVerified: true
IsSensitive: false
IsActive: true
IsRetired: false
LogoType: svg
Get a single breached site by breach name:$ pwned breach MyCompany
No breach found by that name.
Get all the data classes in the system, returning raw JSON results for external/chained consumption:$ pwned dc --raw
["Account balances","Age groups","Astrological signs","Avatars","Bank account numbers","Banking PINs","Beauty ratings","Biometric data","Car ownership statuses","Career levels","Chat logs","Credit cards","Customer feedback","Customer interactions","Dates of birth","Device information","Device usage tracking data","Drinking habits","Drug habits","Education levels","Email addresses","Email messages","Employers","Ethnicities","Family members' names","Family plans","Financial transactions","Fitness levels","Genders","Geographic locations","Government issued IDs","Historical passwords","Home ownership statuses","Homepage URLs","Income levels","Instant messenger identities","IP addresses","Job titles","MAC addresses","Marital statuses","Names","Nicknames","Parenting plans","Partial credit card data","Passport numbers","Password hints","Passwords","Payment histories","Personal descriptions","Personal interests","Phone numbers","Physical addresses","Physical attributes","Political views","Private messages","Purchases","Races","Recovery email addresses","Relationship statuses","Religions","Reward program balances","Salutations","Security questions and answers","Sexual fetishes","Sexual orientations","Smoking habits","SMS messages","Social connections","Spoken languages","Time zones","Travel habits","User agent details","User statuses","User website URLs","Usernames","Website activity","Work habits","Years of birth"]
Get all pastes for an email address:$ pwned pa
Source: Pastebin
Id: xyb8vavK
Title: null
Date: 2015-06-01T00:16:46Z
EmailCount: 8
Source: Pastebin
Id: DaaFj8Be
Title: CrackingCore - Redder04
Date: 2015-04-05T22:22:39Z
EmailCount: 116
Source: Pastebin
Id: 9MAAgecd
Title: IPTV YabancÄą Combolist
Date: 2015-02-07T15:21:00Z
EmailCount: 244
Source: Pastebin
Id: QMx1dPUT
Title: null
Date: 2015-02-02T20:45:00Z
EmailCount: 6607
Source: Pastebin
Id: zUFSee4n
Title: nethingoez
Date: 2015-01-21T15:13:00Z
EmailCount: 312
Source: AdHocUrl
Title: 40k+
Date: null
EmailCount: 36959
Source: AdHocUrl
Title: PayPalSucks Database 102k
Date: null
EmailCount: 82071
pwned - A command-line tool for querying the 'Have I been pwned?' service
Reviewed by Anonymous
8:32 AM