Cansina - Web Content Discovery Tool

Cansina is a Web Content Discovery Application. It is well known Web applications don't publish all their resources or public links, so the only way to discover these resources is requesting for them and check the response. Cansina duty is to help you making requests and filtering the responses to tell apart if it is an existing resource or just an annoying or disguised 404. Other kind of useful responses (401, 403, ...) are processed in a similar fashion. Responses are kept in a sqlite database for later process or viewing.
You can stop and resume a task by ctrl-c, a resume file will be generated for you.
Check the options '-h' for more features.
There is an ongoing effort to add features via plugins.
Feature requests and comments are welcome.

Cansina is included in BlackArch Linux, give it a try!

  • Multithreading
  • Http / Https
  • Proxy support
  • Data persistence
  • Basic Authentication
  • Resume

Usage -h for a comprehensive list of features and choices
Simple case -u target_url -p payload_filename
Will make GET requests using 4 threads by default

Banning HTTP responde codes to output -u target_url -p payload_filename -b 404,400,500
Selected codes will be skipped

Adding a .php extension to every record in payload -u target_url -p payload_filename -e php
Make all payload entries end with an extension

Adding a list of extensions -u target_url -p payload_filename -e php,asp,aspx
Same as above but will repeat every request for every extension provided

Inspecting content -u target_url -p payload_filename -c look_for_this_text
Cansina will report to screen if the content is detected in response

Filtering by content -u target_url -p payload_filename -d look_for_this_text
If the content is found it will be processed as a 404 Not Found page

Autodiscriminator -u target_url -p payload_filename -D
First, Cansina will try to make and remember a 404 response and will skip similar responses

Replacing -u target_url/
_this/ -p payload_filename
Simple string replacing. Useful when a URL pattern is observable

Size filtering -u target_url -s 1495 -p payload_filename
If you don't want a response and know its size is fixed this could help skipping all those responses.
Also, it can be a list of sizes: -u target_url -s 0,1495,1337 -p payload_filename

Uppercase all requests -u target_url -U -p payload_filename
Just make every payload UPPERCASE

Threading -u target_url -t8 -p payload_filename
Set the threading level. 4 by default.

Change GET -> HEAD requests -u target_url -H -p payload_filename
Make requests using HEAD HTTP method. Be aware size and content filtering won't work

Delay between requests -u target_url -T 1.25 -p payload_filename
Set a delay between resquests. Time is set in float format. E.g: 1.25 seconds

User agent -u target_url -p payload_filename -a user_agent
Set an alternative User-Agent string

Proxy requests -u target_url -p payload_filename -Phttp://
Simple http proxy

Basic authentication -u target_url -p payload_filename -Auser:password
Manages basic authentication

Resume session -r resume_file
Resume last interrupted session with all options and payload with former linenumber

Parse robots.txt -R
Cansina will parse the robots.txt file an use it as a payload if it exists

This tool is intended to be used in a fair and legal context, meaning, for example, a penetration testing for which you have been provided previous authorization.
One of its legitimate uses might be the one described in the following article:


Cansina does not come with list but there are some neat projects to supply this:

pip install --user requests
git clone --depth=1

Cansina - Web Content Discovery Tool Cansina - Web Content Discovery Tool Reviewed by Anonymous on 3:19 PM Rating: 5