Proxyp - Multithreaded Proxy Enumeration Utility

Proxyp - Multithreaded Proxy Enumeration Tool

Proxyp is a small multithreaded Perl script written to enumerate latency, port numbers, server names, & geolocations of proxy IP addresses. 

Note: It requires IP::Country module and root/administrator privileges.
             __               __	
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/ / / \ \ \
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( (__ _) ) ( (_ __) )
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) ) ( (

"No man is free who is not master of himself" --Epictetus

Proxyp: Multithreaded Proxy Enumeration Utility
OpenSource (GNU GPLv3) 2013 ArchSeptem "SevenWolf"
Usage: proxyp [Option(s)] {target specification}
[-h]: help menu
[-v]: verbosity (shows live with -e)
[-x]: verbosity (shows live, dead, & threads with -e)
[-t] : concurrency (for use with -e)
[-e]: enumerate/test live addresses
[-c] : exclusive enumeration by country (US, RU, CN, BR, etc.)
[-d] : response duration ex. -d 0.1 or -d 10 (default 5)
[-f] : crawl file for ip's
[-i] : crawl website for ip's
[-z]: server, port, & geolocation enum (time consuming, for use with -e)
[-b]: supress banner/server enum (use with -z, saves time)
[-p] : @pool = (, 80, 3128, 8080, 1080)
[-o], [-a] : output/truncate or append results w/o stats
proxyp -f /etc/proxychains.conf -exd 0.1 -t 10
proxyp -i -ezxt 20 -p 81 -a /etc/proxychains.conf

By default 'Proxyp' will list out every IP in a file or website with only a target specified with -f or -i. To evaluate each address use -e. live addresses are sorted by response time from ICMP echo pings to gauge latency, the -d or duration switch can be used to alter results. To see responses in real time use verbosity with -v or -x switches. Furthermore, you can output live addresses to file or append, to say, /etc/proxychains.conf

There are some sites, for instance, like that bury their displayed ip addresses in Javascript. For sites like these, just highlight the entire page and copy paste to a txt file on your desktop, you can then crawl that file like any other with '-f path'

The '-z' flag feature is somewhat of a hack, syn scanning of a pool of ip/ports as well as banner grabbing is involved. This may be against laws of certain countries if you want to play it safe just exclude '-z'.

Proxyp - Multithreaded Proxy Enumeration Utility Proxyp - Multithreaded Proxy Enumeration Utility Reviewed by Anonymous on 6:51 AM Rating: 5