Osueta - Tool For Exploiting the OpenSSH User Enumeration Timing Attack
Osueta is a simple Python2 script that allows you to exploit the OpenSSH User Enumeration Timing Attack, present in OpenSSH version 5 to 7.2. The script has the ability to make variations of the username employed in the bruteforce attack, and the possibility to establish a DOS condition in the OpenSSH server.
usage: osueta.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-k HFILE] [-f FQDN] [-p PORT] [-L UFILE]
[-U USER] [-d DELAY] [-v VARI] [-o OUTP] [-l LENGTH]
[-c VERS] [--dos DOS] [-t THREADS]
OpenSSH User Enumeration Time-Based Attack Python script
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST Host Ip or CIDR netblock.
-k HFILE Host list in a file.
-f FQDN FQDN to attack.
-p PORT Host port.
-L UFILE Username list file.
-U USER Only use a single username.
-d DELAY Time delay fixed in seconds. If not, delay time is calculated.
-v VARI Make variations of the username (default yes).
-o OUTP Output file with positive results.
-l LENGTH Length of the password in characters (x1000) (default 40).
-c VERS Check or not the OpenSSH version (default yes).
--dos DOS Try to make a DOS attack (default no).
-t THREADS Threads for the DOS attack (default 5).
- A single user enumeration attempt with username variations:
./osueta.py -H -p 22 -U root -d 30 -v yes
- A single user enumeration attempt with no user variations a dos attack:
./osueta.py -H -p 22 -U root -d 30 -v no --dos yes
- Scanning a C class network with only one user:
./osueta -H -p 22 -U root -v no
- Scanning a C class network with usernames from a file, delay time 15 seconds and a password of 50000 characters:
./osueta -H -p 22 -L usernames.txt -v yes -d 15 -l 50
Source: www.effecthacking.com
Osueta - Tool For Exploiting the OpenSSH User Enumeration Timing Attack
Reviewed by Anonymous
6:54 AM