WebPwn3r - A Web Application Security Scanner
WebPwn3r is a Python-based web application security scanner.
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#| "WebPwn3r" Web Applications Security Scanner #
#| By Ebrahim Hegazy - @Zigoo0 #
#| This Version Supports Remote Code/Command Execution, XSS #
#| And SQL Injection. #
#| Thanks @lnxg33k, @dia2diab @Aelhemily, @okamalo #
#| More Details: http://www.sec-down.com/wordpress/?p=373 #
- Scan a URL or List of URL's.
- Detect and exploit Remote Code Injection vulnerabilities.
- Detect and exploit Remote Command Execution vulnerabilities.
- Detect and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
- Detect and exploit typical XSS vulnerabilities.
- Detect WebKnight WAF.
- Improved Payloads to bypass Security Filters/WAF's.
- Fingerprint the backend Technologies.
How To Use WebPwn3r
1. Run this:python scan.py
2. The tool will ask you if you want to scan URL or List of URLs?Enter number 1 to scan a URL
Enter number 2 to scan list of URL's
URL(s) should be a full link with parameters.
Example: http://localhost/rand/news.php?com=val&id=11&page=24&text=zigoo
Source: www.effecthacking.com
WebPwn3r - A Web Application Security Scanner
Reviewed by Anonymous
11:51 PM