PortDog - Network Anomaly Detector

PortDog is a network anomaly detector aimed to detect port scanning techniques. It is entirely written in python and has an easy-to-use interface.

Note: It was tested on Ubuntu 15. But it is not working on Windows OS, due to problems with capturing RAW packets.

It is using Raw packets for analysis. For this reason, please ensure that you have run this script from a privileged session.

PortDog Screenshot 1

PortDog Screenshot 2

PortDog Screenshot 3


sudo python portdog.py -t time_for_sniff_in_minutes

For example, if you want to detect for 5 minutes, use:
sudo python portdog.py -t 5

For infinite detection, use:
sudo python portdog.py -t 0

If you want to get a list of scanned ports, press CTRL+C at runtime.

Source: www.effecthacking.com
PortDog - Network Anomaly Detector PortDog - Network Anomaly Detector Reviewed by Anonymous on 10:42 PM Rating: 5