S3Scanner - Scan For Open S3 Buckets And Dump
A quick and dirty script to find unsecured S3 buckets and dump their contents.
The tool has 2 parts:
1 - s3finder.py
This script takes a list of domain names and checks if they're hosted on Amazon S3. Found S3 domains are output to file with their corresponding region in format "domain:region".
- Install:
- (Optional)
virtualenv venv && source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (Optional)
- Usage:
$> python s3finder.py -o output.txt domainsToCheck.txt
2 - s3dumper.sh
This script takes in a list of domains with regions made by s3finder.py. For each domain, it checks if there are publicly readable buckets and dumps them if so.
$> s3dumper.sh output.txt
Requirements: aws-cli
Source: feedproxy.google.com
S3Scanner - Scan For Open S3 Buckets And Dump
Reviewed by Anonymous
6:14 AM