Seeker - Find GeoLocation With High Accuracy
Seeker utilizes HTML5, Javascript, JQuery and PHP to grab Device Information and GeoLocation with High Accuracy.
- Other tools and services offer IP Geolocation which is not very accurate and does not give location of user.
- Generally if a user accepts location permsission, Accuracy of the information recieved is accurate to approximately 30 meters.
It Hosts a fake website on Apache Server and uses Ngrok to generate a SSL link which asks for Location Permission and if the user allows it, we can get :
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Accuracy
- Altitude - Not always available
- Direction - Only available if user is moving
- Speed - Only available if user is moving
- Operating System
- Platform
- Number of CPU Cores
- Amount of RAM - Approximate Results
- Screen Resolution
- GPU information
- Browser Name and Version
- Public IP Address
Tested On :
- Kali Linux 2018.2
- Ubuntu 18.04
Supports both Python2 and Python3.
Seeker uses common standard python modules :
- os
- time
- json
- requests
- subprocess
git clone
cd seeker/
chmod 777
#After Installation just type seeker in console
Seeker - Find GeoLocation With High Accuracy
Reviewed by Anonymous
7:31 AM