Stardox - Github Stargazers Information Gathering Tool

Stardox is an advanced github stargazers information gathering tool. It scraps Github for information and display them in list tree view.It can be used for collecting information of your's/someones repository stargazers details.

What data it fetchs :
  1. Total repsitories
  2. Total stars
  3. Total Followers
  4. Total Following
P.S: Many new things will be added soon.


Fetching data of repository.

List tree view of fetched data.

Getting Started

Steps to setup :
  1. git clone
  2. cd stardox
  3. python ./ install

Starting Stardox :
  1. cd stardox/src
  2. python3
Example Usage : `python3 ./

Stardox - Github Stargazers Information Gathering Tool Stardox - Github Stargazers Information Gathering Tool Reviewed by Anonymous on 1:03 PM Rating: 5