Doing business in today's connected world means dealing with a continually evolving threat landscape.

With potential losses due to downtime following a breach, plus valuable client and proprietary information at risk, most organizations realize they cannot afford to be complacent.

This puts extra onus on security IT teams, who are continuously left scrambling, looking for the best way to protect their organizations against the threats that bypass AV and firewall.

Added to this is another challenge in that most organizations are limited in the resources they can invest in security. Many are left reliant on a single product on top of their security stack.

Common practice in organizational security circles as they attempt to remain secure is to upgrade endpoint protection with EPP\EDR or a Network Analytic tool.

But as we all know, what’s common is not necessarily what's best.

How can an organization ensure it remains secure, especially with all that is at stake?

Join Cynet for a webinar on Wednesday, April 10 at 1:00 PM EST, when Yiftach Keshet, Cynet's Director of Product Management, will present, "Advanced Breach Protection Demystified – Untold Truths on Security Beyond AV."

In the webinar, Cynet will take a look at the inherent security gaps no one talks about in EDR\EPP and Network Analytics.

This includes an in-depth examination of attack vectors that make EPP\EDR go blind; threats that network analytics can prevent; why user behavior monitoring is integral to an organizational security solution, and finally, how you can secure all main attack surfaces.

Wondering what you need beyond AV and firewall to truly protect your organization? This webinar will examine that and more.

Register for the webinar here – our partner Cynet will send you an email with registration details. See you on April 10, 2019, at 1:00 PM EST to demystify security beyond AV.

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