WEBINAR: How To Get Enterprise Cyber Security For Your Mid-Sized Organization
High-quality cybersecurity posture is typically regarded as the exclusive domain of the large and heavy resourced enterprises – those who can afford a multi-product security stack and a skilled security team to operate it.
This implies a grave risk to all organizations who are not part of this group, since the modern threat landscape applies to all, regardless of size and vertical.
What is less commonly known is that by following basic and well-defined practices and wise security product choices, any organization can level up its defenses to a much higher standard.
From the various frameworks of security best practices, the prominent one is the NIST cybersecurity framework, which suggests the following pillars:
At first glance it seems as if adequately addressing all these pillars is complex with at least one security product or more for each, says Gruner, and unfortunately there are many organizations that try to take that path.
Usually, the end result is a patched framework of many products that don't talk to each other and become heavy resource consumers.'
Cynet 360 platform radically simplifies working with NIST guidelines. The various security technologies Cynet natively integrate are easily matched to each step in the NIST framework:
Learn more on how Cynet addresses the NIST cybersecurity framework in their webinar next week on May 29th, 2019, 1:00 PM EDT - Security for all – How to Get Enterprise-Grade Security for Your Mid-Sized Organization.
Register Now to secure your place!
This implies a grave risk to all organizations who are not part of this group, since the modern threat landscape applies to all, regardless of size and vertical.
What is less commonly known is that by following basic and well-defined practices and wise security product choices, any organization can level up its defenses to a much higher standard.
"At the end of the day it comes down to strategic planning," says Eyal Gruner, CEO and co-founder of Cynet, "rather than thinking in term of specific product or need, zoom out and breakdown the challenge to its logical parts – what do you need to do proactively on an on-going basis, while you're under attack and when you manage a recovery process."
From the various frameworks of security best practices, the prominent one is the NIST cybersecurity framework, which suggests the following pillars:
- Identify – know your environment and proactively search for weak links attackers might target. Such links can include unpatched apps, weak user passwords, misconfigured machines, carelessly used admin accounts, and others.
- Protect – security technologies that automatically block attempted the malicious activity. The prominent examples here are AV and firewalls. However, while these cannot efficiently confront the more advanced threats, one should always assume that a certain portion of active attacks will bypass them.
- Detect – security technologies that address the attacks that successfully evaded prevention and are alive within the targeted environment, ideally, as earlier as possible in the attack lifecycle.
- Respond – security technology that takes charge from the point an active attack was detected and validated and consists of enabling defenders to understand the attack's scope and impact as well as to eliminate malicious presence from all parts of the environment.
- Recover – restore all compromised entities as close as possible to their pre-attack stage. Achieving this has much to do with proactive steps such as having backups and implementing disaster recovery workflows in the context of cyber attacks.
At first glance it seems as if adequately addressing all these pillars is complex with at least one security product or more for each, says Gruner, and unfortunately there are many organizations that try to take that path.
Usually, the end result is a patched framework of many products that don't talk to each other and become heavy resource consumers.'
Cynet 360 platform radically simplifies working with NIST guidelines. The various security technologies Cynet natively integrate are easily matched to each step in the NIST framework:
- vulnerability assessment and asset management to Identify;
- NGAV and network analytics prevention to Protect;
- EDR, UBA, and deception to Detect; and
- the wide array of manual and automated remediation to Respond.
"Our goal," continues Gruner, "was to make cybersecurity easy and manageable – being able to address most needs with one platform is a major part of our vision."
Learn more on how Cynet addresses the NIST cybersecurity framework in their webinar next week on May 29th, 2019, 1:00 PM EDT - Security for all – How to Get Enterprise-Grade Security for Your Mid-Sized Organization.
Register Now to secure your place!
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WEBINAR: How To Get Enterprise Cyber Security For Your Mid-Sized Organization
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