Regipy - An OS Independent Python Library For Parsing Offline Registry Hives
Regipy is a python library for parsing offline registry hives. regipy has a lot of capabilities:
- Use as a library:
- Recurse over the registry hive, from root or a given path and get all subkeys and values
- Read specific subkeys and values
- Apply transaction logs on a registry hive
- Command Line Tools
- Dump an entire registry hive to json
- Apply transaction logs on a registry hive
- Compare registry hives
- Execute plugins from a robust plugin system (i.e: amcache, shimcache, extract computer name...)
Only python 3.7 is supported:
pip install regipy
python install
Parse the header:
registry-parse-header ~/Documents/TestEvidence/Registry/SYSTEM
│ signature │ b'regf' │
│ primary_sequence_num │ 11639 │
│ secondary_sequence_num │ 11638 │
│ last_modification_time │ 0 │
│ major_version │ 1 │
│ minor_version │ 5 │
│ file_type │ 0 │
│ file_format │ 1 │
│ root_key_offset │ 32 │
│ hive_bins_data_size │ 10534912 │
│ clustering_factor │ 1 │
│ file_name │ SYSTEM │
│ checksum │ 0 │
[2019-02-09 13:46:12.111654] WARNING: regipy.cli: Hive is not clean! You should apply transaction logs
- When parsing the header of a hive, also checksum validation and transaction validations are done
Dump entire hive to disk (this might take some time)
registry-dump ~/Documents/TestEvidence/Registry/NTUSER-CCLEANER.DAT -o /tmp/output.json
flagRun relevant plugins on Hive
registry-run-plugins ~/Documents/TestEvidence/Registry/SYSTEM -o /tmp/plugins_output.json
Compare registry hives
Compare registry hives of the same type and output to CSV (if
is not specified output will be printed to screen)registry-diff NTUSER.dat NTUSER_modified.dat -o /tmp/diff.csv
[2019-02-11 19:49:18.824245] INFO: regipy.cli: Comparing NTUSER.DAT vs NTUSER_modified.DAT
│ difference │ first_hive │ second_hive │ description │
│ new_subkey │ │ 2019-02-11T19:46:31.832134+00:00 │ \Software\Microsoft\legitimate_subkey │
│ new_value │ │ not_a_malware: c:\temp\legitimate_binary.exe @ 2019-02-11 19:45:25.516346+0:00 │ \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run │
[2019-02-11 19:49:18.825328] INFO: regipy.cli: Detected 2 differences
Recover a registry hive, using transaction logs:
registry-transaction-logs NTUSER.DAT -p ntuser.dat.log1 -s ntuser.dat.log2 -o recovered_NTUSER.dat
Using as a library
Initiate the registry hive object
from regipy.registry import RegistryHive
reg = RegistryHive('/Users/martinkorman/Documents/TestEvidence/Registry/Vibranium-NTUSER.DAT')
Iterate recursively over the entire hive, from root key
for entry in reg.recurse_subkeys(as_json=True):
Iterate over a key and get all subkeys and their modification time:
for sk in reg.get_key('Software').iter_subkeys():
print(, convert_wintime(sk.header.last_modified).isoformat())
Adobe 2019-02-03T22:05:32.525965
AppDataLow 2019-02-03T22:05:32.526047
McAfee 2019-02-03T22:05:32.526140
Microsoft 2019-02-03T22:05:32.526282
Netscape 2019-02-03T22:05:32.526352
ODBC 2019-02-03T22:05:32.526521
Policies 2019-02-03T22:05:32.526592
Get the values of a key:
reg.get_key('Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation').get_values(as_json=True)
[{'name': 'CVListTTL',
'value': 0,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'UnattendLoaded',
'value': 0,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'TLDUpdates',
'value': 0,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'CVListXMLVersionLow',
'value': 2097211,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'CVListXMLVersionHigh',
'value': None,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'CVListLastUpdateTime',
'value': None,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'IECompatVersionHigh',
'value': None,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'IECompatVersionLow',
'value': 2097211,
'value_t ype': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False},
{'name': 'StaleCompatCache',
'value': 0,
'value_type': 'REG_DWORD',
'is_corrupted': False}]
Use as a plugin:
from regipy.plugins.ntuser.ntuser_persistence import NTUserPersistencePlugin
NTUserPersistencePlugin(reg, as_json=True).run()
'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run': {
'timestamp': '2019-02-03T22:10:52.655462',
'values': [{
'name': 'Sidebar',
'value': '%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Sidebar\\Sidebar.exe /autoRun',
'value_type': 'REG_EXPAND_SZ',
'is_corrupted': False
Run all relevant plugins for a specific hive
from regipy.plugins.utils import run_relevant_plugins
reg = RegistryHive('/Users/martinkorman/Documents/TestEvidence/Registry/SYSTEM')
run_relevant_plugins(reg, as_json=True)
'routes': {},
'computer_name': [{
'control_set': 'ControlSet001\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName',
'computer_name': 'DESKTOP-5EG84UG',
'timestamp': '2019-02-03T22:19:28.853219'
Regipy - An OS Independent Python Library For Parsing Offline Registry Hives
Reviewed by Anonymous
3:17 PM