CredNinja - A Multithreaded Tool Designed To Identify If Credentials Are Valid, Invalid, Or Local Admin Valid Credentials Within A Network At-Scale Via SMB, Plus Now With A User Hunter
This tool is intended for penetration testers who want to perform an engagement quickly and efficiently. While this tool can be used for more covert operations (including some additions below), it really shines when used at the scale of a large network.
At the core of it, you provide it a list of credentials you have dumped (or hashes, it can pass-the-hash) and a list of systems on the domain (I suggest scanning for port 445 first, or you can use "--scan"). It will tell you if the credentials you dumped are valid on the domain, and if you have local administrator access to a host.
See below for additional features, like user hunting and host detail enumeration.
It is intended to be run on Kali Linux
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v2.3 (Built 1/26/2018) - Chris King (@raikiasec)
For help: ./ -h
usage: -a accounts_to_test.txt -s systems_to_test.txt
[-t THREADS] [--ntlm] [--valid] [--invalid] [-o OUTPUT]
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [--stripe] [--scan]
[--scan-timeout SCAN_TIMEOUT] [-h] [--no-color] [--os]
[--domain] [--users] [--users-time USERS_TIME]
Quickly check the validity of multiple user credentials across multiple
servers and be notified if that user has local administrator rights on each
Required Arguments:
-a accounts_to_test.txt, --accounts accounts_to_test.txt
A word or file of user credentials to test. Usernames
are accepted in the form of "DOMAIN\USERNAME:PASSWORD"
-s systems_to_test.txt, --servers systems_to_test.txt
A word or file of servers to test against. This can
be a single system, a filename containing a list of
systems, a gnmap file, or IP addresses in cidr notation.
Each credential will be tested against each of these
servers by attempting to browse C$ via SMB
Optional Arguments:
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use. Defaults to 10
--ntlm Treat the passwords as NTLM hashes and attempt to
--valid Only print valid/local admin credentials
--invalid Only print invalid credentials
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Print results to a file
Change the delimiter between the account username and
password. Defaults to ":"
Delay each request per thread by specified seconds
with jitter (example: --delay 20 10, 20 second delay
with 10% jitter)
--timeout TIMEOUT Amount of seconds wait for data before timing out.
Default is 15 seconds
--stripe Only test one credential on one host to avoid spamming
a single system with multiple login attempts (used to
check validity of credentials). This will randomly
select hosts from the provided host file.
--scan Perform a quick check to see port 445 is available on
the host before queueing it up to be processed
--scan-timeout SCAN_TIMEOUT
Sets the timeout for the scan specified by --scan
argument. Default of 2 seconds
-h, --help Get help about this script's usage
--no-color Turns off output color. Written file is always
Additional Information Retrieval:
--os Display the OS of the system if available (no extra
request is being sent)
--domain Display the primary domain of the system if available
(no extra request is being sent)
--users List the users that have logged in to the system in
the last 6 months (requires LOCAL ADMIN). Returns
usernames with the number of days since their home
directory was changed. This sends one extra request to
each host
--users-time USERS_TIME
Modifies --users to search for users that have logged
in within the last supplied amount of days (default
100 days)
v2.3 - Updated with some additional features
- Added gnmap file parsing. The file provided to the --systems (-s) argument can now be a gnmap file (ending in .gnmap)
- Added cidr notation parsing. The IP address provided to the --systems (-s) argument can now be in cidr notation and it will properly expand the range and test all systems within the ip space (make sure you provide --scan to scan the systems ahead of time!)
- Made --scan multithreaded so it runs MUCH faster
v2.0 - Initial release of CredNinja from the predecessor CredSwissArmy:
- Same ability as the previous CredSwissArmy (using credentials and host list to search for Local Admin access across a network via SMB)
- Fully multithreaded! It is 8x the speed of the old CredSwissArmy!
- Handles errors and complex passwords much better
- Can still pass-the-hash with the "--ntlm" option
- Still has the same arguments as before
- Added "--timeout", which allows scans to get done faster if you wish
- Added "--scan", which runs a quick port 445 scan of the hosts to make sure they are connectable before trying creds on them
- Added "--stripe", which tests each credential once across a random system (used to validate credentials without appearing suspicious in one systems' event log)
- Added "--delay", which allows you to specify a delay between scanning hosts to be more covert. "--delay 10 20" will delay for 10 seconds with a 20% jitter (so between 8-10 seconds)
- Added color output so its more obvious when you get success!
Added "--os", which shows the operating system of each system that it can fingerprint (no additional packet is sent to target host)
Added "--domain", which shows the primary domain the system is a member of (no additional packet is sent to the target host)
Added "--users", which shows a list of users' whose home directories have been modified in X amount of days (X is modifiable by "--users-days", default of 100). Basically an SMB User-Hunter that shows where users are logged in to or have been logged in to (1 additional packet is sent to each target host)
Coming soon: Anti-virus detector to give notice to potential antivirus running on the system
CredNinja - A Multithreaded Tool Designed To Identify If Credentials Are Valid, Invalid, Or Local Admin Valid Credentials Within A Network At-Scale Via SMB, Plus Now With A User Hunter
Reviewed by Anonymous
1:08 PM