Open Sesame - A Tool Which Runs To Display Random Publicly Disclosed Hackerone Reports When Bored
A python tool which runs to display random publicly disclosed Hackerone reports when bored. Automatically opens the report in browser.
Contains Over 8k Publicly disclosed Hackerone reports and addtl. wordlist of ~700 bug bounty writeups.This is a productivity tool for security enthusiasts and bug bounty hunters. I have written a blog here giving my idea of how to use this efficiently.
Launching Open Sesame!
Additional features include:
- Opening URL from custom wordlist which has bug bounty writeups.
- Fetching and Updating the newly disclosed Hackerone publicly disclosed reports.
Pl install components in rquirements.txt
Opens a random magic URL from the collection of publicly disclosed h1 reports.python3 --custom
Opens a random magic URL from the collection of custom wordlist having bug bounty writeups.python3 --refresh
Refreshes and adds newly publicly disclosed h1 reports to your file(final.txt)Known Issues
- The ability of not able to distinguish between completely publicly disclosed reports and reports with limited disclosures.
- The tool may break in the way of how it works if it gets run after a long time. The default range specified is scraping 10 pages to reduce load on the site. If you believe you are running it after a long time, consider increasing the range upto 50 in main for loop in before running. This will enable collecting all the reports till the recent report extracted in the final.txt.
- h1.nobbd(dot)de
- bugreader(dot)com
- Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups Repo
- and other helpful sources.. :)
Open Sesame - A Tool Which Runs To Display Random Publicly Disclosed Hackerone Reports When Bored
Reviewed by Anonymous
5:30 AM