Zin - A Payload Injector For Bugbounties Written In Go
A Payload Injector for bugbounties written in go
- Inject multiple payloads into all parameters
- Inject single payloads into all parameters
- Saves responses into output folder
- Displays Status Code & Response Length
- Can grep for patterns in the response
- Really fast
- Easy to setup
$ go get -u github.com/ethicalhackingplayground/Zin
New Features
Pattern Matching in responses
Match Status Codes
_ (_) _____ _ __ |_ / | '_ \ / /| | | | | /___|_|_| |_|May the bounties come -c int the concurrency (default 20) -g string grep the response for any matches -p string the payload to be used -pL string the list of payloads to be used -s int filter by status codes (default 200)
SSRF Example
$ subfinder uber.com | gau | grep "=http" | Zin -c 80 -p -g "SUP3R_S3cret_1337_K3y"
XSS Example
$ subfinder uber.com | gau| Zin -c 80 -p '"><script>alert(matchforthis)script>' -g "matchforthis"
Inject Multiple Payloads
$ cat hosts | gau | grep "&" | Zin -c 80 -pL <payloadfile>
Subdomain Scanning
$ subfinder -dL domains --silent | gau | Zin -c 80 -p <payload>
Only Test Parameters
$ echo "google.com" | gau | grep "&" | Zin -c 80 -p '"><script>alert(matchthis)</script<"' -g "matchthis"
Multiple Hosts
$ cat hosts | gau | Zin -c 80 -p <payload>
Source: feedproxy.google.com