IoTMap - Research Project On Heterogeneous IoT Protocols Modelling

IoTMap is a tool that models IoT networks using one or multiple protocols simultaneously. This is work in progress, as a part of a PhD thesis on Internet Of Things security. This repository is regularly updated as new results are obtained. This project supports 3 protocol as this time : BLE, ZigBee and OS4I. More are coming.

Requirements :

Python 3 requirements
  • Python > 3.5
  • Scapy (Can be installed through the requirements file but building from the latest source is recommended)
  • neo4j-1.7.6
  • docopt-0.6.2
  • prompt-toolkit-3.0.5
  • terminaltables-3.1.0
  • pycryptodomex-3.9.7

You can use the requirements.txt file to install the packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

OS libraries
  • libgcrypt20-dev (Needed for sniffing capabilities through KillerBee) Depending on the system you used (debian-based OS, archlinux-based OS) you can use:
sudo apt-get install libgcrypt20-dev # (debian-based distribs)sudo pacman -S libgcrypt             # (archlinux-based distribs)


Clone this repo and install all requirements described above:

# For any distribgit clone iotmapsudo pip install -r requirements.txt# If debian-basedsudo apt-get install libgcrypt20-dev# If archlinux-basedsudo pacman -S libgcrypt

Now we gonna install Neo4J. Most distributions ships Neo4J through the built-in package manager. However, it may be simpler to install and use it from the tarball:

cd /path/to/iotmapcd database# Replace the version number with the latest in the URL if necessarywget -O neo4j-community.tar ""mkdir neo4j-community && tar xvf neo4j-community.tar -C neo4j-community --strip-components 1

First run

For the first run of the project, you need to define a username and a password for the database. Start the database with the following:

cd database./neo4j-community/bin/neo4j console

Neo4J will start and is accessible at http://localhost:7474. Default username and password are neo4j and neo4j respectively. Iotmap uses the default username and iotmap for password.

If you want to set different credentials, you must update the values in core/ at line 46 as follows:

model = Model("bolt:http://localhost:7474", "username", "password")

How to use iotmap

A more detailed documentation on how to use IoTMap with an example is available here

Start the framework:


IoTMap will start the neo4j database before running, however the database is not immediately available. Sometimes the sleep of 10 seconds is enough for the database to be available, sometimes not and you need to rerun iotmap.

IoTMap provides 3 modules: Database, Modelling and Sniffing. The sniffing module is a work in progress and not fully operational. To switch between modules, simply type the name of the module.

python3 iotmap.pyStarting the databaseDatabase is available at http://localhost:7474/IIIIIIIIII              TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMM               MMMMMMMMI::::::::I              T:::::::::::::::::::::TM:::::::M             M:::::::MI::::::::I              T:::::::::::::::::::::TM::::::::M           M::::::::MII::::::II              T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::TM:::::::::M         M:::::::::M  I::::I     oooooooooooTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTTM::::::::::M       M::::::::::M  aaaaaaaaaaaaa  ppppp   ppppppppp  I::::I   oo:::::::::::oo      T:::::T        M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::M  a::::::::::::a p::::ppp:::::::::p  I::::I  o:::::::::::::::o     T:::::T        M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::M  aaaaaaaaa:::::ap:::::::::::::::::p  I::::I  o:::::ooooo:::::o     T:::::T        M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M           a::::app::::::ppppp::::::p  I::::I  o::::o     o::::o     T:::::T        M::::::M  M::::M:::   :M  M::::::M    aaaaaaa:::::a p:::::p     p:::::p  I::::I  o::::o     o::::o     T:::::T        M::::::M   M:::::::M   M::::::M  aa::::::::::::a p:::::p     p:::::p  I::::I  o::::o     o::::o     T:::::T        M::::::M    M:::::M    M::::::M a::::aaaa::::::a p:::::p     p:::::p  I::::I  o::::o     o::::o     T:::::T        M::::::M     MMMMM     M::::::Ma::::a    a:::::a p:::::p    p::::::pII::::::IIo:::::ooooo:::::o   TT:::::::TT      M::::::M               M::::::Ma::::a    a:::::a p:::::ppppp:::::::pI::::::::Io:::::::::::::::o   T:::::::::T      M::::::M               M::::::Ma:::::aaaa::::::a p::::::::::::::::pI::::::::I oo:::::::::::oo    T:::::::::T      M::::::M               M::::::M a::::::::::aa:::ap::::::::::::::ppIIIIIIIIII   ooooooooooo      TTTTTTTTTTT      MMMMMMMM               MMMMMMMM  aaaaaaaaaa  aaaap::::::pppppppp                                                                                                p:::::p                                                                                                   p:::::p                                                                                               p:::::::p                                                                                               p:::::::p                                                                                               p:::::::p                                                                                               ppppppppp                                Version=0.1IoTMap > helpCore commands============= Commands  Description------------------------------ database  Use database mode. sniffing  Use sniffing mode. exploit   Use exploit mode.IoTMap >

Each module and functions provide a help menu to list the functions available and how to use them.

Database module

This module manages and interacts with the neo4j database.

IoTMap > databaseIoTMap database > helpCore commands============= Commands  Description------------------------------ database  Use database mode. sniffing  Use sniffing mode. exploit   Use exploit mode.Database commands=================        Interact with the neo4j database.List of available commands :        addNodes        clearDatabase        exportDB        getNodes        help        importDB        importPcaps        mergeNodes        removeNodeFor more information about any commands hit :        <command name> -hIoTMap database > 											

To populate the database you can import an existing database or Pcaps files. ImportPcaps converts Pcaps to our unified format used to generate the modelling. This module uses different extractors according to the protocol given in argument that you can find in the extractors folder. The main program chooses the appropriate extractor then runs the packets generator ( in a multithreading way to generate the pcap with the unified format.

Modelling module
IoTMap modelling > helpCore commands============= Commands  Description------------------------------ database  Use database mode. sniffing  Use sniffing mode. exploit   Use exploit mode.Modelling commands==================        Map the network of IoT devices detected by sniffing.List of available commands :        appGraph        compareTo        dlGraph        help        nwkGraph        option        run        set        transGraphFor more information about any commands hit :        <command name> -hIoTMap modelling >                   

This program starts the Neo4J database before creating the modelling. Once the database is up, the modelling begins. It starts with the analysis of the pcap given in input to extract and create nodes then edges that link nodes. After the 4 graphs created, the result can be viewed on the web application provided by Neo4J available at http://localhost:7474/

You can also request the database directly from the web application by using cypher request in the input box.

IoTMap - Research Project On Heterogeneous IoT Protocols Modelling IoTMap - Research Project On Heterogeneous IoT Protocols Modelling Reviewed by Anonymous on 4:32 AM Rating: 5