Exif-Gps-Tracer - A Python Script Which Allows You To Parse GeoLocation Data From Your Image Files Stored In A Dataset

A python script which allows you to parse GeoLocation data from your Image files stored in a dataset.It also produces output in CSV file and also in HTML Google Maps


To run this script fluently , (1) You should have Google Maps API (2) You should enable Map JavaScript API in Console

To get an API key,See this documentation... https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

git clone https://github.com/monishmonish/exif-gps-tracer/cd exif-gps-tracer/pip3 install --r requirements.txtpython3 plotmap.py

Enter the path of the Dataset folder which contains Images to parse the exif GeoLocation data

Automatically it will store the Lattitude & Longitude coordinates with their respective time stamp in a CSV file excluding "None" values of Lat,Lon in GeoLocation

If GeoTags are not available in an image,It skips them by printing its filename

An HTML file will be generated by running this script,by opening the HTML file,

You can see the scattered plots of the Lattitude & Longitude coordinates in Google Map


The more scattered region has the highest probability of the victim/target to be in that area.

This plot is purely based on the exif metadata of the Image dataset.


Add a circular heat zone showing the probability of target's existence in that region

Source: feedproxy.google.com
Exif-Gps-Tracer - A Python Script Which Allows You To Parse GeoLocation Data From Your Image Files Stored In A Dataset Exif-Gps-Tracer - A Python Script Which Allows You To Parse GeoLocation Data From Your Image Files Stored In A Dataset Reviewed by Anonymous on 3:37 AM Rating: 5