Longtongue - Customized Password/Passphrase List Inputting Target Info

Customized Password/Passphrase List inputting Target Info


git clone https://github.com/edoardottt/longtongue.git

cd longtongue

python3 longtongue.py

usage: longtongue.py [-h] [-p | -c | -v] [-l | -L] [-y] [-n]Customized Password/Passphrase List inputting Target Infooptional arguments:  -h, --help     show this help message and exit  -p, --person   Set the target to be a person  -c, --company  Set the target to be a company  -v, --version  Show the version of this program  -l, --leet     Add also complete 1337(leet) passwords  -L, --leetall  Add also ALL possible le37(leet) passwords  -y, --years    Add also years at password. See years range inside longtongue.py  -n, --numbers  Add also numbers at password. See numbers range inside longtongue.py


Source: feedproxy.google.com
Longtongue - Customized Password/Passphrase List Inputting Target Info Longtongue - Customized Password/Passphrase List Inputting Target Info Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:34 PM Rating: 5