Chameleon - Customizable Honeypots For Monitoring Network Traffic, Bots Activities And Username\Password Credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET, Postgres And MySQL)

Customizable honeypots for monitoring network traffic, bots activities and username\password credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET and Postgres and MySQL)

Grafana Interface


Credentials Monitoring

General Features
  • Modular approach (honeypots run as scripts or imported as objects)
  • Most honeypots serve as servers (Only a few that emulate the application layer protocols)
  • Settings servers with username, password and banner (Default username and password are test)
  • ICMP, DNS TCP and UDP payloads are parsed and check against common patterns
  • Visualized Grafana interfaces for monitoring the results (Filter by IP - default is all)
  • Unstructured and structured logs are parsed and inserted into Postgres
  • All honeypots contain clients for testing the servers
  • All ports are opened and monitored by default
  • Easy automation and can be deployed on AWS ec2
  • & More features to Explore

Install and run

Docker stanalone simple
git clone chameleon# choose which honeypot http, https, ssh etc and use -p in docker for the portsdocker build -t honeypot ./honeypot/. && docker run -p 9999:9999 -p 9998:9998 -it honeypot --mode normal --servers "ssh:9999 http:9998"

On ubuntu 18 or 19 System (Auto-configure)
git clone chameleonchmod +x ./ auto_configure

The Grafana interface http://localhost:3000 will open automatically after finishing the initialization process (username is changeme457f6460cb287 and passowrd is changemed23b8cc6a20e0)

Wait for a few seconds until honeypot shows the IP address

...honeypot_1  | Your IP:  | Your MAC: 09:45:aa:23:10:03...

You can interact with the honeypot from your local system

ping run any network tool against itnmap

On ubuntu 18 or 19 System (Auto-configure test)
git clone chameleonchmod +x ./ auto_test

The Grafana interface http://localhost:3000 will open automatically after finishing the initialization process (username is admin and passowrd is admin)

Or, import your desired non-blocking server as object (SSH Server)
copy to your folder
# ip= String E.g. port= Int E.g. 9999# username= String E.g. Test# password= String E.g. Test# mocking= Boolean or String E.g OpenSSH 7.0# logs= String E.g db, terminal or all# --------------------------------------------------------------------# always remember to add process=true to run_server() for non-blockingfrom ssh_server import QSSHServerqsshserver = QSSHServer(port=9999)qsshserver.run_server(process=True)qsshserver.test_server(port=9999)qsshserver.kill_server()
ssh [email protected]
INFO:chameleonlogger:['servers', {'status': 'success', 'username': 'test', 'ip': '', 'server': 'ssh_server', 'action': 'login', 'password': 'test', 'port': 38696}]

Raspberry Pi 3B+ (setup zram first to avoid lockups)

Requirements (Servers only)
apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y iptables-persistent tcpdump nmap iputils-ping python python-pip python-psycopg2 lsof psmisc dnsutilspip install scapy netifaces pyftpdlib sqlalchemy pyyaml paramiko==2.7.1 impacket twisted rdpy==1.3.2 psutil requestspip install -U requests[socks]pip install -Iv rsa==4.0

Current Servers/Emulators
  • DNS (Server using Twisted)
  • HTTP Proxy (Server using Twisted)
  • HTTP (Server using Twisted)
  • HTTPS (Server using Twisted)
  • SSH (Server using socket)
  • POP3 (Server using Twisted)
  • IMAP (Server using Twisted)
  • STMP (Server using smtpd)
  • RDP (Server using Twisted)
  • SMB (Server using impacket)
  • SOCK5 (Server using socketserver)
  • TELNET (Server using Twisted)
  • VNC (Emulator using Twisted)
  • Postgres (Emulator using Twisted)
  • Redis (Emulator using Twisted)
  • Mysql (Emulator using Twisted)
  • Elasticsearch (Coming..)
  • Oracle (Coming..)
  • ldap (maybe)

  • 2020.V.01.05 added mysql
  • 2020.V.01.04 added redis
  • 2020.V.01.03 switched ftp servers to twisted
  • 2020.V.01.02 switched http and https servers to twisted
  • 2020.V.01.02 Fixed changing ip in grafana interface

  • Refactoring logging
  • Fixing logger
  • Code Cleanup
  • Switching some servers to twisted
  • Adding graceful connection close (error response)
  • Implementing the rest of servers
  • Adding some detection logic to the sinffer
  • Adding a control panel


Twisted, documentation, Impacket, documentation, Grafana, documentation, Expert, Twisted, robertheaton

Other Licenses

By using this framework, you are accepting the license terms of all these packages: grafana, tcpdump, nmap, psycopg, dnsutils, scapy, netifaces, pyftpdlib, sqlalchemy, pyyaml, paramiko, impacket, rdpy, psutil, requests, FreeRDP, SMBClient, tigervnc

Articles my-infosec-awesome

  • Do not deploy without proper configuration
  • Setup some security group rules and remove default credentials
  • Almost all servers and emulators are stripped-down - You can adjust that as needed
  • Please let me know if i missed a resource or dependency

Chameleon - Customizable Honeypots For Monitoring Network Traffic, Bots Activities And Username\Password Credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET, Postgres And MySQL) Chameleon - Customizable Honeypots For Monitoring Network Traffic, Bots Activities And Username\Password Credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET, Postgres And MySQL) Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:36 PM Rating: 5

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