Girsh - Automatically Spawn A Reverse Shell Fully Interactive
Who didn't get bored of manually typing the few lines to upgrade a reverse shell to a full interactive reverse shell (tty spawn, stty size ..., stty raw -echo) or typing the command to use ConPTY.
With Girsh, just run it and it will detect the OS and execute the correct commands to upgrade it to a full interactive reverse shell.
For a Linux:
- Get the terminal's size
- Spawn a tty using python2.7, python3 and python
- Change the terminal as raw
For a Windows:
- Dowload ConPTY on the same machine and same port as the reverse shell server
- Listen for getting the ConPTY reverse shell
Two modes are available:
Simple listener
go run main.go listener -hUsage: girsh listen [flags]Flags: -h, --help help for listenGlobal Flags: -d, --debug Debug output -p, --port int port to listen (default is 1234) (default 1234)
go run main.go -hGenerate a reverseshell oneliners (credits shellerator). And listen then run stty raw -echo and send the python command to spawn a tty shell if it's Linux or use ConPTY if it's windowsUsage: girsh [flags] girsh [command]Available Commands: help Help about any command listen Listen and spawn a fully interactive for windows and linux clientFlags: -d, --debug Debug output -h, --help help for revshell -p, --port int port to listen (default is 1234) (default 1234)
Girsh - Automatically Spawn A Reverse Shell Fully Interactive
Reviewed by Anonymous
4:31 AM