Go-RouterSocks - Router Sock. One Port Socks For All The Others.
The next step after compromising a machine is to enumerate the network behind. Many tools exist to expose a socks port on the attacker's machine and send all the traffic through a tunnel to the compromised machine. When several socks ports are available, we have to manage different proxychains configuration to choose the targeted network. This tool will expose one socks port and route the traffic through the configured path.
The idea came after using chisel. Chisel is really helpful but it can get hard to manage many clients as it is opening a new socks port for each new client with reverse mode.
Start the socks server:
Usage: rsocks [flags]Flags: -h, --help help for rsocks -i, --ip string IP for socks5 server (default "") -p, --port int Socks5 port (default 1080)
Define the routes:
RouterSocks> helproute: Manage route to socks serverschisel: Liste chisel socks server on localhosthelp: help commandRouterSocks> route add[*] Successfull route addedRouterSocks> chisel[0]> route add 0[*] Successfull route addedRouterSocks> route192.168.1.0/24 => =>
- Route network through remote or local socks server
- Use chisel session ID
Source: feedproxy.google.com