Solr-GRAB - Steal Apache Solr Instance Queries With Or Without A Username And Password

Steal Apache Solr instance Queries with or without a username and password.

DISCLAIMER: This project should be used for authorized testing and educational purposes only.

git clone


You can search for Apache Solr Instances via Censys, with the dork "Welcome To Solr" or "Apache Solr Admin". To grab queries, simply go to the http access point, sometimes being on port 80, 443 or 8080.

  • Replace "http://URLHERE/" with a desired URL, such as "".
  • Replace "PROJECTHERE/" with a desired project entry, such as a directory "users/".
  • Replace "IDHERE" with an ID that is unique per entry in JSON on the apache solr query, such as "id" or "global_id".
  • Lastly, replace "AMOUNTOFROWSHERE" with the amount of rows found in the query, such as "74332".

Now execute it with: bash

Sometimes, you'll have an error where it's a 404 not found. If that's the case, add "/solr/" between "http://URLHERE/" & "PROJECTHERE", such as: This should fix the problem.

Author & Credits

Written by GnosticPlayers & g9648


Email: [email protected]

Gnostic Contacts

Email: [email protected]

Solr-GRAB - Steal Apache Solr Instance Queries With Or Without A Username And Password Solr-GRAB - Steal Apache Solr Instance Queries With Or Without A Username And Password Reviewed by Anonymous on 5:36 AM Rating: 5