LinuxCatScale - Incident Response Collection And Processing Scripts With Automated Reporting Scripts

Linux CatScale is a bash script that uses live of the land tools to collect extensive data from Linux based hosts. The data aims to help DFIR professionals triage and scope incidents. An Elk Stack instance also is configured to consume the output and assist the analysis process.


This scripts were built to automate as much as possible. We recommend running it from an external device/usb to avoid overwriting evidence. Just in case you need a full image in future.

Please run the collection script on suspected hosts with sudo rights. the only file you need to run the collection.

[email protected]:<dir>$ chmod +x ./[email protected]:<dir>$ sudo ./ 

The script will create a directory called "FSecure-out" in the working directory and should remove all artefacts after being compressed. This will leave a filename in the format of FSecure_Hostname-YYMMDD-HHMM.tar.gz

Once these are all aggregated and you have the FSecure_Hostname-YYMMDD-HHMM.tar.gz on the analysis machine. You can run which will extract all the files and place them in a folder called "extracted".

[email protected]:<dir>$ chmod +x ./[email protected]:<dir>$ sudo ./


This project has predefined grok filters to ingest data into elastic, feel free to modify them as you need.

What does it collect?

This script will procude the following files/folders which can be reviewed as text files or using Elk Stack.

Resolver configuration file resolv.conf executables-list.txt - All ELF files on disk with +x attribute group.txt - List of groups and the members belonging to each group home-dir-timeline - Timeline of all files in /home/* host.conf.txt - Resolver configuration file host.conf hosts.allow.txt - Host access control file hosts.allow hosts.deny.txt - Host access control file hosts.deny hosts.txt - Static table lookup for hostnames /etc/hosts ifconfig.txt - ifconfig -a Output iptables.txt - Tables of IPv4 and IPv6 packet filter rules in the Linux kernel. lastbad.txt - Records failed login attempts lastlog.txt - The most recent login of all users or of a given user last.txt - History of all logins and logouts lsmod.txt - Kernel modules are currently loaded lsof-processes.txt - List of all open files and the processes that opened them. lsusb.txt - Attached USB device info md5-ps.txt - ps command bin md5 meminfo.txt - Memory info netstat-ano.txt - Listing All Sockets, in numeric form with timer info netstat-antup.txt - All tcp/udp connection in numeric form with process ID netstat-list.txt - All tcp/udp connection in numeric form with process ID without headers num-proc.txt - number of processes according to ps command num-ps.txt - number of processes according to /proc directory package-list.txt - All files in all rpm packages packages-result.txt - all executables that are not part of rpm packages passwd.txt - Copy of the passwd file persistence-anacron.txt - All Anacron jobs persistence-cronlist.txt - All Cron jobs persistence-initd.txt - All initd scripts persistence-profiled.txt - Scripts that run when User logs in persistence-rc-scripts.txt - All rc scripts. (run level scipts) persistence-shellrc-etc.txt - All startup script contents in /etc/ persistence-shellrc-home.txt - All startup script contents in /home/ persistence-shellrc-root.txt - All startup script contents in /root/ persistence-systemdlist.txt - All systemd services and execution commandlines process-details.txt - All running process details and status information processes-list.txt - All running process acording to ps processes.txt - All running process acording to /proc/ directory processhashes.txt - Hash of all running processes procmod.txt - Loaded modules for all processes release.txt - OS information routetable.txt - Contents of kernel routing table. route command output sbin-dir-timeline - Timeline of all files in /sbin/* service_status.txt - All running service and their status. ssh_config.txt - ssh service config file sshd_config.txt - ssh service config file sudoers.txt - List of sudoers tmp-dir-timeline - Timeline of all files in /tmp/* tmp-executable-files-for-diff.txt - tmp-executable-files.txt without executable type metadata for later diff operation with packages tmp-executable-files.txt - All files with +x attributes (executables) tmp-types.txt - tmp file for Find types of executable(script\|ELF\|executable) var-www-dir-timeline - Timeline of all files in /var/www/* whoandwhat.txt - w command output. Who is logged on and what they are doing. who.txt - List of users who are currently logged in wtmp-lastlog.txt - wtmp last log varlogs - All contents of /var/log viminfo - All viminfo files... Can contain vi historic commands ">
bash_history                    - Bash history for all usersbash_profile                    - Bash profile file for all usersbash_rc                         - Bash_rc filefull-timeline.csv               - Timeline of all files in the following directories: /home/* + var/www/* + /tmp/ + /dev/shm/ + /bin + /sbinbin-dir-timeline                - Timeline of all files in /binbinhashes.txt                   - Hash of all executable files under $PATH variablebtmp-lastlog.txt                - btmp last logconsole-error-log.txt           - This were all the errors from the script is forwarded tocpuinfo.txt                     - CPU infodev-shm-dir-timeline            - Timeline of all files in /dev/shm/df.txt                          - Information about the file system on which each FILE resides,or all file systems by default.dhcp.txt                        - Resolver configuration file resolv.confexecutables-list.tx   t            - All ELF files on disk with +x attributegroup.txt                       - List of groups and the members belonging to each grouphome-dir-timeline               - Timeline of all files in /home/*host.conf.txt                   - Resolver configuration file host.confhosts.allow.txt                 - Host access control file hosts.allowhosts.deny.txt                  - Host access control file hosts.denyhosts.txt                       - Static table lookup for hostnames /etc/hostsifconfig.txt                    - ifconfig -a Outputiptables.txt                    - Tables of IPv4 and IPv6 packet filter rules in the Linux kernel.lastbad.txt                     - Records failed login attemptslastlog.txt                     - The most recent login of all users or of a given userlast.txt                        - History of all logins and logoutslsmod.txt                       - Kernel modules are currently loaded   lsof-processes.txt              - List of all open files and the processes that opened them.lsusb.txt                       - Attached USB device infomd5-ps.txt                      - ps command bin md5meminfo.txt                     - Memory infonetstat-ano.txt                 - Listing All Sockets, in numeric form with timer infonetstat-antup.txt               - All tcp/udp connection in numeric form with process IDnetstat-list.txt                - All tcp/udp connection in numeric form with process ID without headersnum-proc.txt                    - number of processes according to ps commandnum-ps.txt                      - number of processes according to /proc directorypackage-list.txt                - All files in all rpm packagespackages-result.txt             - all executables that are not part of rpm packagespasswd.txt                      - Copy of the passwd filepersistence-anacron.txt         - All Anacron jobs   persistence-cronlist.txt        - All Cron jobspersistence-initd.txt           - All initd scriptspersistence-profiled.txt        - Scripts that run when User logs inpersistence-rc-scripts.txt      - All rc scripts. (run level scipts)persistence-shellrc-etc.txt     - All startup script contents in /etc/persistence-shellrc-home.txt    - All startup script contents in /home/persistence-shellrc-root.txt    - All startup script contents in /root/persistence-systemdlist.txt     - All systemd services and execution commandlinesprocess-details.txt             - All running process details and status informationprocesses-list.txt              - All running process acording to psprocesses.txt                   - All running process acording to /proc/ directoryprocesshashes.txt               - Hash of all running processesprocmod.txt                     - Loaded modules for all processesrelease.txt                     - OS    informationroutetable.txt                  - Contents of kernel routing table. route command outputsbin-dir-timeline               - Timeline of all files in /sbin/*service_status.txt              - All running service and their status.ssh_config.txt                  - ssh service config filesshd_config.txt                 - ssh service config filesudoers.txt                         - List of sudoerstmp-dir-timeline                    - Timeline of all files in /tmp/*tmp-executable-files-for-diff.txt   - tmp-executable-files.txt without executable type metadata for later diff operation with packagestmp-executable-files.txt            - All files with +x attributes (executables)tmp-types.txt                       - tmp file for Find types of executable(script\|ELF\|executable)var-www-dir-timeline                - Timeline of all files in /var/www/*whoandwhat.txt                  - w command output. Who is logged on and what    they are doing.who.txt                         - List of users who are currently logged inwtmp-lastlog.txt                - wtmp last logvarlogs                         - All contents of /var/logviminfo                         - All viminfo files... Can contain vi historic commands


Note that the script will likely alter artefacts on endpoints. Care should be taken when using the script. This is not meant to take forensically sound disk images of the remote endpoints.

Tested OSes
  • Ubuntu 16.4
  • Centos
  • Mint
  • Solaris 11.4

LinuxCatScale - Incident Response Collection And Processing Scripts With Automated Reporting Scripts LinuxCatScale - Incident Response Collection And Processing Scripts With Automated Reporting Scripts Reviewed by Anonymous on 4:37 AM Rating: 5