SocialPwned - An OSINT Tool That Allows To Get The Emails, From A Target, Published In Social Networks Such As Instagram, Linkedin And Twitter To Find Possible Credentials Leaks In PwnDB Or Dehashed And Obtain Google Account Information Via GHunt

SocialPwned is an OSINT tool that allows to get the emails, from a target, published in social networks like Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter to find the possible credential leaks in PwnDB or Dehashed and obtain Google account information via GHunt.

The purpose of this tool is to facilitate the search for vulnerable targets during the phase of Footprinting in an Ethical Hacking. It is common for employees of a company to publish their emails in social networks, either professional or personal, so if these emails have their credentials leaked, it is possible that the passwords found have been reused in the environment to be audited. If it’s not the case, at least you would have an idea of the patterns that follow this target to create the passwords and be able to perform other attacks with a higher level of effectiveness.

SocialPwned uses different modules:

  • Instragram: Making use of the unofficial Instagram API from @LevPasha, different methods were developed to obtain the emails published by users. An Instagram account is required.
  • Linkedin: Using @tomquirk's unofficial Linkedin API, different methods were developed to obtain a company's employees and their contact information (email, twitter or phone). In addition, it is possible to add the employees found to your contacts, so that you can later have access to their network of contacts and information. This module also generates different files with combinations of possible usernames for an organization. A Linkedin account is required.
  • Twint: Using Twint from @twintproject you can track all the Tweets published by a user looking for some email. A Twitter account is not necessary.
  • PwnDB: Inspired by the tool PwnDB created by @davidtavarez a module has been developed that searches for all credential leaks from the emails found. In addition, for each email a POST request is made to HaveIBeenPwned to find out the source of the leak.
  • Dehashed: Provides clear passwords and also the hash of passwords that could not be cracked. It is necessary to pay at Dehashed to get an API Key, but it can be a good alternative when PwnDB is slow or does not provide results.
  • GHunt: Using the tool created by @mxrch, GHunt, it is possible to obtain information related to Google mails, e.g. reviews, profile picture, possible location or public calendar events.


Easy way

$ service docker start$ docker pull mrtuxx/socialpwned$ docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --help

NOTE: You will need to have the docker service correctly installed.

Manual way

The installation of Tor depends on your system. On a Debian:

$ sudo apt-get install tor$ /etc/init.d/tor start

Clone the repository using Git:

$ git clone$ cd SocialPwned$ sudo pip3 install --user --upgrade git+[email protected]/master#egg=twint$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt$ sudo python3 --credentials credentials.json --help

For the GHunt module to work correctly you must follow these steps:


To make use of the Instagram and Linkedin features you need to have an account created on each of the social networks. The credentials must be indicated in a JSON file:

{    "instagram":{        "username":"username",        "password":"password"    },    "linkedin":{        "email":"email",        "password":"password"    },    "ghunt":{        "SID":"SID",        "SSID":"SSID",        "APISID":"APISID",        "SAPISID":"SAPISID",        "HSID":"HSID"    },    "dehashed":{         "email":"email",         "apikey":"apikey"    }}

NOTE: The cookies necessary for the GHunt module to work can be obtained by following the steps explained here.

usage: [-h] --credentials CREDENTIALS [--pwndb] [--tor-proxy PROXY] [--instagram] [--info QUERY]                      [--location LOCATION_ID] [--hashtag-ig QUERY] [--target-ig USERNAME] [--search-users-ig QUERY]                      [--my-followers] [--my-followings] [--followers-ig] [--followings-ig] [--linkedin]                      [--company COMPANY_ID] [--search-companies QUERY] [--employees] [--my-contacts]                      [--user-contacts USER_ID] [--search-users-in QUERY] [--target-in USERNAME] [--add-contacts]                      [--add-a-contact USER_ID] [--twitter] [--limit LIMIT] [--year YEAR] [--since DATE]                      [--until DATE] [--profile-full] [--all-tw] [--target-tw USERNAME] [--hashtag-tw USERNAME]                      [--followers-tw] [--followings-tw] [--ghunt] [--email-gh [email protected]] [--dehashed]                      [--em   ail-dh [email protected]]

If you do a pull of the docker image you should run:

docker run -v $(pwd)/<YOUR CREDENTIALS JSON FILE>:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json <COMMANDS>


  1. Keep Linkedin and Instagram sessions in a browser to resolve possible blocks. Interact in a normal way.

  2. Before trying to get all the emails of an organization's employees on Linkedin make sure you have a wide network of contacts, friends in common and some employees added to your network. Many times you can't see a contact's information if they are not in your network.

  3. Try not to perform massive searches to avoid being blocked.

  4. Combine the modules when it is a specific target or will not handle a large amount of information, otherwise it may fail or you will be blocked.

Output format

Each time SocialPwned is run, a directory with the following format will be generated:

output└── session_year_month_day_time    ├── dehashed    │   ├── raw_dehashed.txt    │   └── socialpwned_dehashed.txt    ├── emails    │   └── socialpwned_emails.txt    ├── instagram    │   └── socialpwned_instagram.txt    ├── linkedin_userames    │   ├── first.last.txt    │   ├── firstl.txt    │   ├── first.txt    │   ├── f.last.txt    │   ├── flast.txt    │   ├── lastf.txt    │   └──    rawnames.txt    ├── pwndb    │   ├── passwords_pwndb.txt    │   ├── pwndb.txt    │   └── socialpwned_pwndb.txt    ├── socialpwned.json    └── twitter        └── socialpwned_twitter.txt
  • The dehashed directory contains the raw API information in one file and the email-related passwords in another.
  • The pwndb directory contains a file with only the passwords, another one with the passwords and related emails and finally a file that adds the sources of the leaks.
  • The emails directory contains a file with all the emails obtained.
  • The instagram directory contains a file with user accounts and their related email addresses.
  • The twitter directory contains a file with user accounts and their related email addresses.
  • The linkedin directory contains different files with combinations of user names obtained. Inspired by the linkedin2username tool.
  • The socialpwned.json file provides in JSON format all the information obtained by SocialPwned and its different modules. Where the ID of each item is the email, in case you have information about a user but not his email, the ID will be his unique social network identifier.

Basic Examples and Combos

Video Demo

Here are some examples:


docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --info España
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --location 832578276
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --hashtag-ig someHashtag --pwndb
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --target-ig username --pwndb
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --target-ig username --followers-ig --followings-ig --pwndb


docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --linkedin --search-companies "My Target"
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --linkedin --search-companies "My Target" --employees --pwndb
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --linkedin --company 123456789 --employees --pwndb
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --linkedin --company 123456789 --employees --add-contacts
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --linkedin --user-contacts user-id --pwndb
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --linkedin --user-contacts user-id --add-contacts


docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --twitter --hashtag-tw someHashtag --pwndb --limit 200 --dehashed
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --twitter --target-tw username --all-tw --pwndb --dehashed --ghunt
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --twitter --target-tw username --all-tw --followers-tw --followings-tw --pwndb


docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --ghunt --email-gh "[email protected]"

NOTE: Whenever you add the --ghunt flag this module will be executed. If you do it in a bulk search it may fail due to the amount of requests.


docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --dehashed --email-dh "[email protected]"

NOTE: Adding the --dehashed flag at the end of each search will make an API request for each email.


docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --target-ig username --followers-ig --followings-ig --linkedin --company 123456789 --employees --twitter --target-tw username --all-tw --pwndb --ghunt --dehashed
docker run -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/socialpwned/credentials.json -v $(pwd)/output:/socialpwned/output -it mrtuxx/socialpwned --credentials credentials.json --instagram --target-ig username --linkedin --target-in username --twitter --target-tw username --all-tw --pwndb --ghunt --dehashed



The usage of SocialPwned to attack targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. In addition, it makes use of different modules that violate Linkedin and Instagram rules, therefore, you will be banned temporarily or permanently.

It is the responsibility of the end user to use SocialPwned. The developers are not responsible and are not liable for any misuse or damage caused.

SocialPwned - An OSINT Tool That Allows To Get The Emails, From A Target, Published In Social Networks Such As Instagram, Linkedin And Twitter To Find Possible Credentials Leaks In PwnDB Or Dehashed And Obtain Google Account Information Via GHunt SocialPwned - An OSINT Tool That Allows To Get The Emails, From A Target, Published In Social Networks Such As Instagram, Linkedin And Twitter To Find Possible Credentials Leaks In PwnDB Or Dehashed And Obtain Google Account Information Via GHunt Reviewed by Anonymous on 3:34 AM Rating: 5