DFSCoerce - PoC For MS-DFSNM Coerce Authentication Using NetrDfsRemoveStdRoot Method
PoC for MS-DFSNM coerce authentication using NetrDfsRemoveStdRoot method (and probably more but am lazy and its just PoC :P ).
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-dfsnm/95a506a8-cae6-4c42-b19d-9c1ed1223979
Inspired by:
PetitPotam (@topotam77)
ShadowCoerce (@topotam77 and @_nwodtuhs)
SpoolSample (@tifkin_)
Source: www.kitploit.com
DFSCoerce - PoC For MS-DFSNM Coerce Authentication Using NetrDfsRemoveStdRoot Method
Reviewed by Zion3R
2:36 PM