Norimaci - Simple And Lightweight Malware Analysis Sandbox For macOS

"Norimaci" is a simple and lightweight malware analysis sandbox for macOS. This tool was inspired by "Noriben". Norimaci uses the features of OpenBSM or to monitor macOS system activity instead of Sysinternals Process Monitor (procmon).

Norimaci consists of 3 Python scripts.

  • : Main script
  • : OpenBSM audit log converter
  • : data converter

OpenBSM is a framework to audit activities on macOS. Please see their web site for details. is a free tool which is made by FireEye. Please see their web site for details.

Why "Norimaci"?

My former colleague (@cci_forensics) suggested this name.

"Norimaci" is a coined word combining "Noriben" and "Macintosh". It is pronounced "Norimaki", and it represents "のり巻き" in Japanese. It means "sushi roll" in English.

Noriben is a Japanese style lunch box that consists of minimal ingredients. The ingredients of norimaki are similar to noriben (seaweed, rice, and other you prefer).

So, I decided to name this tool "Norimaci".


  • OS X 10.6 or later (I tested on macOS 10.13 - 10.15)
  • VMware Fusion, Parallels, VirtualBox, etc.
  • Python 3.5 or later

Optional requirement

Note that, supports only macOS 10.12 - 10.14. You don't have to install it, if you want to execute malware on macOS 10.15 or later. You have to use OpenBSM instead of it.

You have to install libraries below from their source repositories or pip, if you use Norimaci with


Build virtual machines to execute malware

You have to build a macOS VM to execute malware samples. In addition, it is highly recommended to build another VM for fake Internet connections. Because, many malware attempt to connect their servers (e.g. C2 servers).

PolarProxy and INetSim are very useful tools to provide fake HTTP/HTTPS and DNS services. Please refer NETRESEC blog to build a fake Internet.

Edit /etc/security/audit_control

If you use OpenBSM to monitor system activities, you have to modify /etc/security/audit_control file like below. Because, OpenBSM records audit logs about only login and authentication by default. But, Norimaci needs more kinds of audit logs (file creation, file deletion, process execution, networking, etc).

The computer has to be rebooted after the modification to apply the setting.

## $P4: //depot/projects/trustedbsd/openbsm/etc/audit_control#8 $#dir:/var/auditflags:lo,aa,fc,fd,pc,nt,ex      <- edit here like thisminfree:5naflags:lo,aa,fc,fd,pc,nt,ex    <- edit here like thispolicy:cnt,argvfilesz:2Mexpire-after:10Msuperuser-set-sflags-mask:has_authenticated,has_console_accesssuperuser-clear-sflags-mask:has_authenticated,has_console_accessmember-set-sflags-mask:member-clear-sflags-mask:has_authenticated


Basic usage with OpenBSM (most standard usage)

  1. Run with sudo.
  2. Run a sample of malware (You can run any type of malware. For example, DMG, PKG, Mach-O binary, and so on).
  3. Wait for a while (Until, the malware can get their goal).
  4. Press "Ctrl + C " at the appropriate time in the terminal where Norimaci runs in.
  5. 2 kind of reports are generated (Norimaci_dd_Mon_yy__hh_mm_ffffff.txt and Norimaci_dd_Mon_yy__hh_mm_ffffff_timeline.csv).
  6. Confirm reports with your favorite tools (e.g. text editors, grep, less, etc).
$ sudo python3 ./ -m openbsm -o ./out/Password:--===[ Norimaci v0.1.0--===[ Minoru Kobayashi [@unkn0wnbit][*] Launching OpenBSM agent...[*] When runtime is complete, press CTRL+C to stop logging.^C[*] Termination of OpenBSM agent commencing... please wait[*] Converting OpenBSM data ...[*] Loading converted macOS activity data ...[*] Saving report to: /Users/macforensics/tools/norimaci/out/Norimaci_14_Jan_20__15_55_093219.txt[*] Saving timeline to: /Users/macforensics/tools/norimaci/out/Norimaci_14_Jan_20__15_55_093219_timeline.csv

Basic usage with

Note: can not run on macOS 10.15. But, it works fine on macOS 10.14 or earlier.

  1. Run with sudo.
  2. Enter a password after Norimaci launches ( needs a password to install its kext).
  3. Run a sample of malware (You can run any type of malware. For example, DMG, PKG, Mach-O binary, and so on).
  4. Wait for a while (Until, the malware can get their goal).
  5. Press "Ctrl + C " at the appropriate time in the terminal where Norimaci runs in.
  6. 2 kind of reports are generated (Norimaci_dd_Mon_yy__hh_mm_ffffff.txt and Norimaci_dd_Mon_yy__hh_mm_ffffff_timeline.csv).
  7. Confirm reports with your favorite tools (e.g. text editors, grep, less, etc).

Help of scripts

$ python3 ./ -h--===[ Norimaci v0.1.0--===[ Minoru Kobayashi [@unkn0wnbit]usage: [-h] [-m MONITOR] [-j JSON] [-bl OPENBSM_LOG] [-p PROCLIST]                   [-ml MONITORAPP_LOG] [-o OUTPUT] [--force] [--debug]Light weight sandbox which works with OpenBSM or Fireeye's Monitor.appoptional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -m MONITOR, --monitor MONITOR                        Specify a program to monitor macOS activity. You can                        choose 'openbsm' or 'monitorapp'.  -j JSON, --json JSON  Path to a JSON file which is converted by                        '' or ''.  -bl OPENBSM_LOG, --openbsm-log OPENBSM_LOG                        Path to an OpenBSM log file.  -p PROCLIST, --proclist PROCLIST                        Path to a process list    file to process OpenBSM log                        file. A file which has ".proclist" extnsion would be                        used, if this option is not specified.  -ml MONITORAPP_LOG, --monitorapp-log MONITORAPP_LOG                        Path to a data file.  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT                        Path to an output directory.  --force               Enable to overwrite output files.  --debug               Enable debug mode.
$ python3 ./ -husage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-p PROCLIST] [-o OUT] [-c] [-rp]                      [--with-failure] [--with-failure-socket] [--force]                      [--debug]Converts OpenBSM log file to JSON format.optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -f FILE, --file FILE  Path to a bsm log file  -p PROCLIST, --proclist PROCLIST                        Path to a process list file  -o OUT, --out OUT     Path to an output file  -c, --console         Output JSON data to stdout.  -rp, --use-running-proclist                        Use current running process list instead of a existing                        process list file. And, the process list is saved to a                        file which places in the same directory of '--file' or                        to a file which speci   fied '--proclist'.  --with-failure        Output records which has a failure status too.  --with-failure-socket                        Output records which has a failure status too (related                        socket() syscall only).  --force               Enable to overwrite an existing output file.  --debug               Enable debug mode.
$ python3 ./ -husage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUT] [-c] [--force] [--debug]Parses data of Fireeye and converts it to JSON format. Please notethat strings in JSON data are saved as UTF-8.optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -f FILE, --file FILE  Path to a saved data of  -o OUT, --out OUT     Path to an output file.  -c, --console         Output JSON data to stdout.  --force               Enable to overwrite an output file.  --debug               Enable debug mode.


Analyze AppleJeus.A on macOS 10.15 Catalina with Norimaci. This demo movie was made for Japan Security Analyst Conference 2020 (JSAC2020)


git clone

Future Work

  • YARA scanning
  • VirusTotal scanning


Minoru Kobayashi


Apache License, Version 2.0

Norimaci - Simple And Lightweight Malware Analysis Sandbox For macOS Norimaci - Simple And Lightweight Malware Analysis Sandbox For macOS Reviewed by Zion3R on 9:39 AM Rating: 5