R4Ven - Track Ip And GPS Location
Track User's Smartphone/Pc Ip And Gps Location.
The tool hosts a fake website which uses an iframe to display a legit website and, if the target allows it, it will fetch the Gps location (latitude and longitude)
of the target along with IP Address
and Device Information
This tool is a Proof of Concept and is for Educational Purposes Only.
Using this tool, you can find out what information a malicious website can gather about you and your devices and why you shouldn't click on random links or grant permissions like Location to them.
On link click
+ it wil automatically fetch ip address and device information! if location permission allowed, it will fetch exact location of target.
- It will not work on laptops or phones that have broken GPS, # browsers that block javascript, # or if the user is mocking the GPS location.
IP location vs GPS location
- Geographic location based on IP address is NOT accurate,# Does not provide the location of the target. # Instead, it provides the approximate location of the ISP (Internet service provider)
+ GPS fetch almost exact location because it uses longitude and latitude coordinates.@@ Once location permission is granted @@# accurate location information is recieved to within 20 to 30 meters of the user's location.# (it's almost exact location)
git clone https://github.com/spyboy-productions/r4ven.git
cd r4ven
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 r4ven.py
enter your discord webhook url (set up a channel in your discord server with webhook integration)
if not have discord account and sever make one, it's free.
- why discord webhook? Conveniently, you will receive a notification when someone clicks on the link.
To chnage website template
- open file
on line 12 and replace thesrc
in the iframe. (Note: not every website support iframe)
To port forward install ngrok or use ssh
- For ngrok port forward type: ngrok http 8000
- For ssh port forwarding type: ssh -R 80:localhost:8000 ssh.localhost.run
Source: www.kitploit.com