ScrapPY - A Python Utility For Scraping Manuals, Documents, And Other Sensitive PDFs To Generate Wordlists That Can Be Utilized By Offensive Security Tools

ScrapPY is a Python utility for scraping manuals, documents, and other sensitive PDFs to generate targeted wordlists that can be utilized by offensive security tools to perform brute force, forced browsing, and dictionary attacks. ScrapPY performs word frequency, entropy, and metadata analysis, and can run in full output modes to craft custom wordlists for targeted attacks. The tool dives deep to discover keywords and phrases leading to potential passwords or hidden directories, outputting to a text file that is readable by tools such as Hydra, Dirb, and Nmap. Expedite initial access, vulnerability discovery, and lateral movement with ScrapPY!


Download Repository:

$ mkdir ScrapPY$ cd ScrapPY/$ sudo git clone

Install Dependencies:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

ScrapPY Usage:

usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-m {word-frequency,full,metadata,entropy}] [-o OUTPUT]

Output metadata of document:

$ python3 -f example.pdf -m metadata

Output top 100 frequently used keywords to a file name Top_100_Keywords.txt:

$ python3 -f example.pdf -m word-frequency -o Top_100_Keywords.txt

Output all keywords to default ScrapPY.txt file:

$ python3 -f example.pdf

Output top 100 keywords with highest entropy rating:

$ python3 -f example.pdf -m entropy

ScrapPY Output:

# ScrapPY outputs the ScrapPY.txt file or specified name file to the directory in which the tool was ran. To view the first fifty lines of the file, run this command:$ head -50 ScrapPY.txt# To see how many words were generated, run this command:$ wc -l ScrapPY.txt

Integration with Offensive Security Tools:

Easily integrate with tools such as Dirb to expedite the process of discovering hidden subdirectories:

[email protected]:~# dirb /root/ScrapPY/ScrapPY.txt-----------------DIRB v2.21By The Dark Raver-----------------START_TIME: Fri May 16 13:41:45 2014URL_BASE: /root/ScrapPY/ScrapPY.txt-----------------GENERATED WORDS: 4592---- Scanning URL: ----==> DIRECTORY: (CODE:200|SIZE:2726)+ (CODE:403|SIZE:1122)==> DIRECTORY:> DIRECTORY:> DIRECTORY:

Utilize ScrapPY with Hydra for advanced brute force attacks:

[email protected]:~# hydra -l root -P /root/ScrapPY/ScrapPY.txt -t 6 ssh:// v7.6 (c)2013 by van Hauser/THC & David Maciejak - for legal purposes onlyHydra ( starting at 2014-05-19 07:53:33[DATA] 6 tasks, 1 server, 1003 login tries (l:1/p:1003), ~167 tries per task[DATA] attacking service ssh on port 22

Enhance Nmap scripts with ScrapPY wordlists:

nmap -p445 --script smb-brute.nse --script-args userdb=users.txt,passdb=ScrapPY.txt

Future Development:

  • Allow for custom output file naming and increased verbosity
  • Integrate different modes of operation including word frequency analysis
  • Allow for metadata analysis
  • Search for high-entropy data
  • Search for path-like data
  • Implement image OCR to enumerate data from images in PDFs
  • Allow for processing of multiple PDFs

ScrapPY - A Python Utility For Scraping Manuals, Documents, And Other Sensitive PDFs To Generate Wordlists That Can Be Utilized By Offensive Security Tools ScrapPY - A Python Utility For Scraping Manuals, Documents, And Other Sensitive PDFs To Generate Wordlists That Can Be Utilized By Offensive Security Tools Reviewed by Zion3R on 6:25 AM Rating: 5