Logsensor - A Powerful Sensor Tool To Discover Login Panels, And POST Form SQLi Scanning

A Powerful Sensor Tool to discover login panels, and POST Form SQLi Scanning


  • login panel Scanning for multiple hosts
  • Proxy compatibility (http, https)
  • Login panel scanning are done in multiprocessing

so the script is super fast at scanning many urls

quick tutorial & screenshots are shown at the bottom
project contribution tips at the bottom



git clone https://github.com/Mr-Robert0/Logsensor.gitcd Logsensor && sudo chmod +x logsensor.py install.shpip install -r requirements.txt./install.sh



Quick Tutorial

1. Multiple hosts scanning to detect login panels

  • You can increase the threads (default 30)
  • only run login detector module
python3 logsensor.py -f <subdomains-list> python3 logsensor.py -f <subdomains-list> -t 50python3 logsensor.py -f <subdomains-list>  --login

2. Targeted SQLi form scanning

  • can provide only specifc url of login panel with --sqli or -s flag for run only SQLi form scanning Module
  • turn on the proxy to see the requests
  • customize user input name of login panel with actual name (default "username")
python logsensor.py -u www.example.com/login --sqli python logsensor.py -u www.example.com/login -s --proxy logsensor.py -u www.example.com/login -s --inputname email

View help

Login panel Detector Module -s, --sqli run only POST Form SQLi Scanning Module with provided Login panels Urls -n , --inputname Customize actual username input for SQLi scan (e.g. 'username' or 'email') -t , --threads Number of threads (default 30) -h, --help Show this help message and exit " dir="auto">
python logsensor.py --helpusage: logsensor.py [-h --help] [--file ] [--url ] [--proxy] [--login] [--sqli] [--threads]optional arguments:  -u , --url           Target URL (e.g. http://example.com/ )  -f , --file          Select a target hosts list file (e.g. list.txt )  --proxy              Proxy (e.g.  -l, --login          run only Login panel Detector Module  -s, --sqli           run only POST Form SQLi Scanning Module with provided Login panels Urls   -n , --inputname     Customize actual username input for SQLi scan (e.g. 'username' or 'email')  -t , --threads       Number of threads (default 30)  -h, --help           Show this help message and exit




  1. adding "POST form SQli (Time based) scanning" and check for delay
  2. Fuzzing on Url Paths So as not to miss any login panel

Source: www.kitploit.com
Logsensor - A Powerful Sensor Tool To Discover Login Panels, And POST Form SQLi Scanning Logsensor - A Powerful Sensor Tool To Discover Login Panels, And POST Form SQLi Scanning Reviewed by Zion3R on 4:05 AM Rating: 5