Secbutler - The Perfect Butler For Pentesters, Bug-Bounty Hunters And Security Researchers
Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers
is a utility tool made for pentesters, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers that contains all the most used and tedious stuff commonly used while performing cybersecurity activities (like installing sec-related tools, retrieving commands for revshells, serving common payloads, obtaining a working proxy, managing wordlists and so forth).
The goal is to obtain a tool that meets the requirements of the community, therefore suggestions and PRs are very welcome!
- Generate a reverse shell command
- Obtain proxy
- Download & deploy common payloads
- Obtain reverse shell listener command
- Generate bash install script for common tools
- Generate bash download script for Wordlists
- Read common cheatsheets and payloads
secbutler -h
This will display the help for the tool
__ __ __ ________ _____/ /_ __ __/ /_/ /__ _____ / ___/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __/ / _ \/ ___/ (__ ) __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / __/ //____/\___/\___/_.___/\__,_/\__/_/\___/_/v0.1.9 - utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchersUsage: secbutler [flags] secbutler [command]Available Commands: cheatsheet Read common cheatsheets & payloads help Help about any command listener Obtain the command to start a reverse shell listener payloads Obtain and serve common payloads proxy Obtain a random proxy from FreeProxy revshell Obtain the command for a reverse shell tools Generate a install script for the most common cybersecurity tools version Print the current version wordlists Generate a download script for the most common wordlistsFlags: -h, --help help for secbutlerUse "secbutler [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Run the following command to install the latest version:
go install
Or you can simply grab an executable from the Releases page.
secbutler is made with đŸ–¤ by the GroundSec team and released under the MIT LICENSE.